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Hi all,
I am coming to the end of my first cycle and have a few questions.
Having bought trentest 300 (10ml vial) and anavar 50 mg (120 tabs) , I decided to run the trentest only for the first 4 weeks at 1ml p/w to see how my body would react and make sure no bad sides before adding the var at 100 mg ed. All good so far and really enjoying the gains in size, strength and vascularity. My questions are as follows:-
1) as the half-life of test cyp is approx 8 days, am I able to continue taking var only for 2 weeks after cessation of the test, before I start PCT? (given that the half-life of var is only 8-9 hours)
N.B. PCT will be:-
Clonid 100/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
2) I am getting depressed thinking about coming off cycle, how do you combat post cycle blues and keep motivated until next cycle starts, given that if time off = time on + PCT, I will have to wait 14 weeks before hitting the juice again?
Thanks in advance for your input.