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Thread: Cycle/ Nutrition advice

  1. #1

    Cycle/ Nutrition advice

    Hello here is my purposed cycle. Two cycles under belt prior. First was test only cycle 500 a week run for 12 weeks. Second was Test/Deca run at 500/500 for 16 weeks.

    Currently 27, 160lbs, 11.8% body fat, fast metabolism. Goal of this cycle is to get to 200lbs while still keeping relatively low body fat. My main question is my nutrition in check for these goals and time frame of cycle. Thanks in advance.

    1-4 test prop 100mg eod (400mg a week)
    1-12 test E 200 twice weekly
    1-10 Deca 200 twice weekly
    HCG throughout cycle at 250iu twice weekly

    Nolvadex for PCT
    Arimidex on hand in case of Gyno during cycle.

    Nutrition is approximately 2850 calories 244g protein (34%), 267 (37%) carbs, Fats (89g) (28%)

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    How tall are you?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    I am 6"0. Last cycle I reached a weight of 185 with no specific diet plan at the time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    2 cycles and a whopping 160 lbs

    Your diet is your issue. Not lack of steroids

    Fix your diet first. No reason why you can't get to at least 200 lbs without the use of anabolics

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    This is not normal friend. You've run 2 aas cycles and you're 6' 160 lost 25 lbs after your last cycle!

  6. #6
    Yes I am very aware that my current weight is garbage. I have also not cycled in approximately 3.5 years. This is my purposed diet plan that I will be eating during the cycle. I am just looking for some advice so that I can get it down pat. Heres an idea of the meal plan that I will be following.

    6am 3 whole eggs + 3 egg whites 1 cup oats with 1 TB honey 1 TB peanut butter OR 1/2 avocado Unlimited mixed vegetables

    10am 5oz chicken/turkey/fish One piece of fruit 15 almonds Unlimited mixed vegetables

    2pm 5oz chicken/turkey/fish 6oz brown rice 1/2 avocado Unlimited mixed vegetables

    6pm 5oz chicken/turkey/fish 10 oz sweet potato 1/2 cup coconut milk Unlimited mixed vegetables

    9pm (immediately post workout) 1 scoop whey protein powder with water One piece of fruit Glutamine/BCAAs

    9.30pm 8oz chicken/turkey/fish OR 6oz lean beef 12oz brown rice Unlimited mixed vegetables

    TOTALS 244g (34%) 267g (37%) 89g (28%) Approx. 2850 calories (excluding vegetables)

  7. #7
    Are my carbs high enough

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    West Coast Desert Rat
    Quote Originally Posted by sharpguy View Post
    Yes I am very aware that my current weight is garbage. I have also not cycled in approximately 3.5 years. This is my purposed diet plan that I will be eating during the cycle. I am just looking for some advice so that I can get it down pat. Heres an idea of the meal plan that I will be following.

    6am 3 whole eggs + 3 egg whites 1 cup oats with 1 TB honey 1 TB peanut butter OR 1/2 avocado Unlimited mixed vegetables

    10am 5oz chicken/turkey/fish One piece of fruit 15 almonds Unlimited mixed vegetables

    2pm 5oz chicken/turkey/fish 6oz brown rice 1/2 avocado Unlimited mixed vegetables

    6pm 5oz chicken/turkey/fish 10 oz sweet potato 1/2 cup coconut milk Unlimited mixed vegetables

    9pm (immediately post workout) 1 scoop whey protein powder with water One piece of fruit Glutamine/BCAAs

    9.30pm 8oz chicken/turkey/fish OR 6oz lean beef 12oz brown rice Unlimited mixed vegetables

    TOTALS 244g (34%) 267g (37%) 89g (28%) Approx. 2850 calories (excluding vegetables)
    Your meal plan actually looks descent. I'm guessing the issue is putting it into use on a consistent basis? Hence the drop in weight. I always say its better to eat shitty food (hamburgers) then nothing. At least you save muscle this way. Life can get in the way, we all know this. At least try to reach your Protein and Calorie requirement. This will keep you from losing muscle or weight. You might have some extra fat to burn later, but so what. That is easy compared to putting LBM on.

    Also this cycle will not put 40lbs on you. NO cycle is going to do that. Unless you binge eat and put on a sheet ton of fat. Set a realistic goal. Like 20lbs even though it won't all be muscle weight.

    Furthermore your cycle looks weak. Those are very mild doses for a guy wanting to put on 40lbs. Hope this helped.

  9. #9
    Thanks for the reply. Do you have any suggestions for the meal plan by re adjusting my goal to gaining 20lbs? I have read some forums that suggest eating around 800g for carb.. I believe my protein is sufficient? I plan on adding a night time snack which will consist of 4 egg whites. 1 scoop casiegn protein and omega 3 oil adding approx another 250 calories. Also a protein shake during my work outs. Are my doses realistic for time frame and weight goal of cycle? I know most will run an extra 100 of test when combining DECA, however I am not a suffer of the DECA dick.

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