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Thread: Prohormone question. Specifically 1 AD

  1. #1

    Prohormone question. Specifically 1 AD

    I have done a search on this and basically came up with too many different opinions and points of view on this subject.

    If some one can tell me a good combo (ex. 1 ad/4 ad/6 oxo) and the best way to cycle them that is all I am looking for right now. Sorry to bring this topic up again but any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Well you can run 1AD at 600mgs a day and 4ad at 750mgs a day and get very good results. You should start the 6oxo the day after you take your last 1 and 4AD dose. Also I would run the cycle anywhere from 3-6 weeks. Finanlly if this is your first prohormone cycle you will get very good results by just running the 1AD if you have any more questions try using the search button it is very helpfull.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I've said this before and I'll say it again. PM Warrior, he's got alot of experience with these types of supps and he's a very knowledgeable bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I am currenntly taking 1AD 600mg daily 200mg 3 times a day. In 12 days my incline dumbell presses went from 75s for 6 to 80s x 10reps. This shit definately works. I gained a couple lbs , am much harder and put a half inch on my arms. I will be doing this PH cycle for 30 days and then 6 OXO for 20 days. Unless you are really thin you probably don't need the 4AD.

  5. #5
    Thanks fellas

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