I’m almost finished with my first cycle (deca and winny) and im taking a summer off (off juce I mean). Planning to start my second one in the fall around September. I’m just trying to find out what supplements I should be taking during my time off. As always any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is what im planning on getting:
1) Muscle milk by CYTOSPORT
2) Either Xtra Advantage by MUSCLE MKTG (liquid creatine) or
Creatine Monohydrate by VITOL (liquid creatine)
3) Either Pro-Rated 100% Whey by PROTEIN USA or
100% Whey Protein by OPTIMUM NUTRITION
4) Liquid Clenbutrx by VPX (this is more for a nice pump than anything else)
Please let me know if I should get liquid creatine, powder, or both. Is there anything I am missing? I am also thinking of getting BCAA and/or HMB, are those products waste of my money? Please let me know.