Hey boys,

As usual that time of the year.
220 12% looking to lean bulk.

I'd be doing the good old nolva and clomid pct, and i'm using the npp just so it kicks faster.
Week 1-6 would be 150mg npp + deca 250mg + sustanon 500mg. Then it would only be deca and test at those same amount.
1st time with Deca, should i up the dosage after 6weeks?

Week 1-6 NPP 150mg / week
Week 1-14 Deca 250/mg week
Week 1-14 Sust 500mg/ week
Week 1-6 tbol 80mg/day
Week 1-16 Aromasin 12.5mg/day
Week 1-16 HCG 500iu/ week