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Thread: World Pro Doping Agency Substance Analysis Now Available in Melbourne

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    World Pro Doping Agency Substance Analysis Now Available in Melbourne

    Hello People,

    As a person interested in providing support to anabolic steroid users I have
    decided to incorporate a non-profit organisation as per the following agenda-

    "The World Pro Doping Association (WPDA) an Australian not for profit incorporation formed with the agenda and vision for the eventual legalization of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in all individual sports pertaining to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). We are established with the vision of a new class of competition called "enhanced" which means we believe there should be in addition to Masters, Paras and Naturals. The proposed class of competition is open to adults only (21 years and above) and exists alongside these and has no drug testing associated with it and a slightly different minded customer base. Governments should support the use of PEDs for those who choose to register and compete in this category of competition and provide not only medical guidance for how to use drugs but actual pharmacy grade and regulated drugs as well as open clinics and medical support for administration. Those caught cheating in naturals would be bumped up to this class without the option of ever competing under naturals again. The goal of this is to reduce the spread of issues associated with black market varieties of drugs widely available online that are often incorrectly dosed and poorly labelled that end up health hazardous to the athlete and give a poor and misguided image to the actual beneficial application of drugs in sport. WPDA strongly believes this would improve the integrity of sports and allow people who choose not to use PEDs to only compete against other natural people. Additionally WPDA wants to highlight how legalization of drugs for this new class would better interlink the sporting and medical industry resulting in faster medical and technological progress.It would improve our understanding of how substances affect human health and provide support and data for research into human life extension and anti-aging therapies into the future. All of this would be achieved by utilizing the choice of individuals to use PEDs in professional sports and placing certain conditions on their use of government regulated drugs such as the requirement for them to record details of their dosages and "cycles" for scientific and research purposes. Finally we aspire to grow to the point where we could provide support and guidance to the members of the global public who have made the decision to use performance enhancing drugs by means of a private substance analysis service that will receive samples and provide a detailed analytical report by return email confirming substance identification and purity".

    Now I have recently made contact with a lab in Melbourne able to provide substance analysis
    to anyone who wishes for it.

    Just putting it out there if you are interested please contact me by private message directly.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Could somebody please provide me with a list of all drugs commonly used by steroid users ?

    ---am currently in
    negotiation with the laboratory in Melbourne and they are asking for this
    Last edited by Stephen051; 06-24-2016 at 09:29 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Im not referring to all the ones on the IOC banned list im talking the most commonly and frequently used ones.

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