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Thread: Desperately needing help with a stack!!!

  1. #1
    pdenton20 is offline New Member
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    Desperately needing help with a stack!!!

    Ok guys, I need some really good advice right now. I'm a pro MMA fighter and I finished chemo about 3 weeks ago and still haven't completely gotten my appetite back. I've lost about 30lbs so far but I'm extremely toned and cut. I have a fight in 2 months and I have to put on 8 pounds or preferably about 13 to meet my weight class. I currently have 110 dbol pills 10 mg each, and I have a vial of 100mg/ml of TNE. I want to know what I can stack these with, or should I not take these at all, in order to meet my desired effect of my goals. The weight I have to put on has to be nearly all muscle. I want very minimal fat involved, I don't want my stomach or face to be bloated, and I don't want to lose my test levels. I've considered stacking these with Anadrol , Anavar , EQ, Test E or Test C, Winny and many others but I can't figure out the best solution. What is your guys opinion to gain that much LEAN mass in a 2 month period?

    If it helps, I'm 5'9, 160-ish lbs, 12% body fat, or less, 80lbs of muscle mass, I'm pretty damn strong and I work out a a LOT! Unfortunately I don't eat well, and I don't do a whole lot of endurance training or cardio.

  2. #2
    Charlie67's Avatar
    Charlie67 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You want to put on 1.5 pounds of muscle a week, for 2 months, with almost no fat? You're right, you'll need more than dbol .

    Something like that is a bit outside of my knowledge base, sorry i can't help, but I'll be watching to see what someone might suggest. If my math is right, I think that would be nearly 80 pounds of muscle a year. That would be a special kind of stack my friend.

    Sincerely, i wish you the best of luck with the fight, keep your hands up.


    Stop over-thinking, simplicity facilitate many things.

  3. #3
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Even if you put on the 13 pounds of muscle in two months and carried a baseball bat in the ring, you would still need cardio.

  4. #4
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You will have to get your diet in check first before anything. No steroid will help if your diet is not straightened out.

    Its is very impressive that you just finished chemo and looking at fighting in 2 months already.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdenton20 View Post
    Ok guys, I need some really good advice right now. I'm a pro MMA fighter and I finished chemo about 3 weeks ago and still haven't completely gotten my appetite back. I've lost about 30lbs so far but I'm extremely toned and cut. I have a fight in 2 months and I have to put on 8 pounds or preferably about 13 to meet my weight class. I currently have 110 dbol pills 10 mg each, and I have a vial of 100mg/ml of TNE. I want to know what I can stack these with, or should I not take these at all, in order to meet my desired effect of my goals. The weight I have to put on has to be nearly all muscle. I want very minimal fat involved, I don't want my stomach or face to be bloated, and I don't want to lose my test levels. I've considered stacking these with Anadrol , Anavar , EQ, Test E or Test C, Winny and many others but I can't figure out the best solution. What is your guys opinion to gain that much LEAN mass in a 2 month period?

    If it helps, I'm 5'9, 160-ish lbs, 12% body fat, or less, 80lbs of muscle mass, I'm pretty damn strong and I work out a a LOT! Unfortunately I don't eat well, and I don't do a whole lot of endurance training or cardio.
    Ok so heres the problem. You are talking about putting on 8 or 13 lbs or whatever of muscle in a very short time. Now ot sounds like this is your first cycle so you will see alot better results than alot of other scenarios. But, to put on weight fast, using dbol, deca , or possibly even anadrol os going to give you a degree of bloat and fat so its not pure muscle gain.

    I cant guarantee you will hit those goals but recently fitdeskjocky used a stack of tbol and test prop and said it was a pretty clean gain stack. Probably your best bet as a newbie. Dont start getting crazy adding in advanced compounds.

    If you use the dbol you are going to bloat, and lose a chunk of what you gained as soon as you come off. If you ise the tne, you have to pin at least every day. Forget EQ, waste of time.

    One option- use your test base, whatever you decide that is, with anadrol for 4 wks. Then switch to winny for 3 wks. Put on some size the first 4 and a little bloat, then winny will get rid of the bloat and water the last 3 wks, then drop the winny for a full wk at least before the fight so your joints can get back to normal. But your joints arent gonna like you while you r on it.

    Another option- skip the oral- just run test - preferably prop so it gets going quicker- at 500 or 600mg per wk and keep your estrogen in range on low side to avoid water.

    Another option - test base, preferably prop at maybe 500mg per wk-and tbol as an oral. Ive never run tbol but as i said- knowledgable guy here suggested it as he had good clean gains on that combo with a good diet.
    Its a tough proposition to try to put on that kinda size in that kind of time without a bulker. But you have a couple options here that may get you closer at least. But gotta clean up your diet or you are gonna bloat and hold water regardless of what aas you use

  6. #6
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your goal is not realistic. Even with superior genetics, it just isn't enough time to build that much muscle...especially without gaining body fat as well.

    The drugs that will put weight on you the fastest are wet compounds and will make you hold a lot of water. The types of compounds conducive to gaining lean, dry weight produce slow and steady gains as opposed to "blowing you up" like dbol for example...

    I'm assuming the organization you fight for doesn't test their athletes..?

    You could run the TNE pre-workout but you're def gonna want to have ancillaries on hand because it will aromatize like crazy and the sides could be very problematic for you.

    Ever considered dropping a weight class so you don't have to "grow into" your weight class. Don't guys usually have to cut weight before a fight so they have an advantage when they rehydrate and put a bunch of weight back on...? I'm a fan of MMA but I'm far from an expert on the matter lol.

    Maybe consider skipping this fight and planning a proper cycle for the future and set yourself up for success by having your cycle lead into your next fight... Don't know the best solution for you but I wish you luck.

  7. #7
    pdenton20 is offline New Member
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    Honestly, I really just need about 4-6 lbs of lean mass in the next 2.5 months. I can make up the rest in water weight to meet my weight decision and then lose the water weight after the weigh in lol

  8. #8
    pdenton20 is offline New Member
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    Yea I do still do some cardio and conditioning but it's hard for me because I have to gain that weight so it's hard for me to figure out how much cardio to work in and still be able to gain

  9. #9
    pdenton20 is offline New Member
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    I scheduled the fight before I found out about the chemo and if the USMC taught me anything it was to always overcome the odds no matter how high they are stacked against you. And yes my diet DEFINITELY needs a lot of help. I just don't know how. Right now since I've only been off chemo for 2 weeks my appetite still isn't completely back, but even when it is, idk how to cook and idk what foods to be eating. Thankfully I just had a dietician and sports trainer make a deal to sponsor me but she can't start for a month.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdenton20 View Post
    Honestly, I really just need about 4-6 lbs of lean mass in the next 2.5 months. I can make up the rest in water weight to meet my weight decision and then lose the water weight after the weigh in lol
    I'm assuming this will be your first cycle. Run 500mg/wk of Test Prop (150mg every other day) + HCG 250iu twice a week + .25mg Adex every other day starting from week 2, for 8 weeks. Rest 3 days after your last Test shot then PCT with Nolvadex and Clomid. If you eat right, you should be able to keep 5lbs to 10lbs after PCT. If you're lucky you might even be able to keep up to 15lbs.
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  11. #11
    pdenton20 is offline New Member
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    Well, I told the other guy, I only NEED 4-6 lbs of muscle. I can make up the rest in water weight and lose it after the weigh in. I've done cycles of test e, Sust, a mixture that I think was test, deca , tren , and EQ. I've never been very knowledgeable about it though because I think about it too scientifically, which doesn't really work, so I take what other people recommend. I now have TNE and Dbol and am about to order Tren75 and var 10 which is a legal Anavar but I've read great reviews of both. I'm also going to get some test this makes sense to me because some of those products put on pure size while some of them creat lean muscle and, supposedly, have compounds to prevent bloating and things.

  12. #12
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdenton20 View Post
    I scheduled the fight before I found out about the chemo and if the USMC taught me anything it was to always overcome the odds no matter how high they are stacked against you. And yes my diet DEFINITELY needs a lot of help. I just don't know how. Right now since I've only been off chemo for 2 weeks my appetite still isn't completely back, but even when it is, idk how to cook and idk what foods to be eating. Thankfully I just had a dietician and sports trainer make a deal to sponsor me but she can't start for a month.
    The drugs are going to do nothing for you without fixing your diet first. That should be priority #1.

  13. #13
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I'm assuming this will be your first cycle. Run 500mg/wk of Test Prop (150mg every other day) + HCG 250iu twice a week + .25mg Adex every other day starting from week 2, for 8 weeks. Rest 3 days after your last Test shot then PCT with Nolvadex and Clomid. If you eat right, you should be able to keep 5lbs to 10lbs after PCT. If you're lucky you might even be able to keep up to 15lbs.
    If there is going to be testing done in his fight in 8 weeks would Suspension be better over Prop ?
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  14. #14
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    If you use dbol and the, your going to put on more water than a cactus.

    If you must use your tne (your going to need more than 1 vial, )

    But I will lay out a cycle with what you have. Your going to be pinning 2x a day, and the vial will only last 20 days.

    This is a daily layout
    Morning - 25mg TNE & 15 mg Dbol.
    Evening - 25mg TNE & 15 mg Dbol.

    Space the doses evenly 12 hours apart 7 am and 7 pm.

    Also, your going to need at least .25mg adex every other day, and more realistic .25mg every day.

    The TNE has a half life of about 2-4 hours.

    I'd try to find test prop as scotch said, cuzz the dbol and tne are going to be hard to manage e2 with. It's going to be a real learning curve, especially since your first Cycle. Even vets have a hard time dialing in e2 with tne..
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I'm assuming this will be your first cycle. Run 500mg/wk of Test Prop (150mg every other day) + HCG 250iu twice a week + .25mg Adex every other day starting from week 2, for 8 weeks. Rest 3 days after your last Test shot then PCT with Nolvadex and Clomid. If you eat right, you should be able to keep 5lbs to 10lbs after PCT. If you're lucky you might even be able to keep up to 15lbs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    If there is going to be testing done in his fight in 8 weeks would Suspension be better over Prop ?
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    If you use dbol and the, your going to put on more water than a cactus.

    If you must use your tne (your going to need more than 1 vial, )

    But I will lay out a cycle with what you have. Your going to be pinning 2x a day, and the vial will only last 20 days.

    This is a daily layout
    Morning - 25mg TNE & 15 mg Dbol.
    Evening - 25mg TNE & 15 mg Dbol.

    Space the doses evenly 12 hours apart 7 am and 7 pm.

    Also, your going to need at least .25mg adex every other day, and more realistic .25mg every day.

    The TNE has a half life of about 2-4 hours.

    I'd try to find test prop as scotch said, cuzz the dbol and tne are going to be hard to manage e2 with. It's going to be a real learning curve, especially since your first Cycle. Even vets have a hard time dialing in e2 with tne..
    Awesome advices!

    I would go with tne because you need this fast and you need the drug gone fast.
    As couch said estrogen will be a bitch. Better have nolva and AI handy and in plentiful amounts in case you mess up.

  16. #16
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    You just finished chemo and want to jump directly into using steroids for an MMA fight? I'm no Doctor but those priorities seem severely misplaced.

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