So I came to these forums a few years ago and had started a cycle, but then came off it/cut it short because I was educated to the fact I was too young/inexperienced and realized it was a mistake and I had a lot more to learn.

A few years down the line now that I've improved a lot more on training and nutrition, I'm going to cycle again.

Last time I used test 400 without problems so I'll be using that again. Few questions before starting my cycle as I've seen mixed answers when researching:

-Would you recommend a 10 or 12 week cycle and is 1ml a week on that amount the right level?
- Would PCT of nolva 40/20/20/20 be appropriate ane start 2 weeks after?
- I've read on a sticky here arimidex from start of cycle to before PCT on 0.25mg EOD is ideal. The pills I'm getting are only available in 1mg so could anyone suggest any other suitable dosage? I know my body and believe I'm prone to gyno.
-i also plan on taking finasteride 1mg daily on cycle because genetically Im prone to mpb and have already noticed thinning over last year.

All advice and feedback is appreciated thanks.