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Thread: The year of TREN

  1. #1

    The year of TREN

    Hi guys! I want to share with you mi tentative 5th cycle, I feel I'm ready to go further and do a tren cycle. I've read the magnificent tren thread and I want to try it.
    Male 41 y/o, I've been working out since my teens, and started my first cycle at 38.
    W: 200 lbs
    Height: 6.1 1/2
    BF: I guess between 12 - 10.
    Low carb diet, 5 meals, aprox 3000 calories a day, (I just eat carbs pre/post workout).
    I do not do PCT, I cruise at 250 mg of Test E / week (sometimes even a lower dose 150 mg week)

    So far so good, the compounds I've tried: Test E, Test Prop, Anavar, Wnny and Proviron.

    For my next cycle I'm thinking on 8 weeks of Test Prop / Tren Ace
    Dosages: Test Prop at 300 mg/week, Tren Ace at 150 mg week

    I will keep estrogen under control with a low dosage of adex (0.25 eod) and will have cabergoline on hand just in case.

    I'm trying to minimize sides of tren while enjoying the cycle. My goal is to add 2 o 3 kg of lean mass.

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar Avgvstvs View Post
    Hi guys! I want to share with you mi tentative 5th cycle, I feel I'm ready to go further and do a tren cycle. I've read the magnificent tren thread and I want to try it.
    Male 41 y/o, I've been working out since my teens, and started my first cycle at 38.
    W: 200 lbs
    Height: 6.1 1/2
    BF: I guess between 12 - 10.
    Low carb diet, 5 meals, aprox 3000 calories a day, (I just eat carbs pre/post workout).
    I do not do PCT, I cruise at 250 mg of Test E / week (sometimes even a lower dose 150 mg week)

    So far so good, the compounds I've tried: Test E, Test Prop, Anavar, Wnny and Proviron.

    For my next cycle I'm thinking on 8 weeks of Test Prop / Tren Ace
    Dosages: Test Prop at 300 mg/week, Tren Ace at 150 mg week

    I will keep estrogen under control with a low dosage of adex (0.25 eod) and will have cabergoline on hand just in case.

    I'm trying to minimize sides of tren while enjoying the cycle. My goal is to add 2 o 3 kg of lean mass.

    What do you think?
    Up the tren and up the carbs...


  3. #3
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar Avgvstvs View Post
    Hi guys! I want to share with you mi tentative 5th cycle, I feel I'm ready to go further and do a tren cycle. I've read the magnificent tren thread and I want to try it.
    Male 41 y/o, I've been working out since my teens, and started my first cycle at 38.
    W: 200 lbs
    Height: 6.1 1/2
    BF: I guess between 12 - 10.
    Low carb diet, 5 meals, aprox 3000 calories a day, (I just eat carbs pre/post workout).
    I do not do PCT, I cruise at 250 mg of Test E / week (sometimes even a lower dose 150 mg week)

    So far so good, the compounds I've tried: Test E, Test Prop, Anavar, Wnny and Proviron.

    For my next cycle I'm thinking on 8 weeks of Test Prop / Tren Ace
    Dosages: Test Prop at 300 mg/week, Tren Ace at 150 mg week

    I will keep estrogen under control with a low dosage of adex (0.25 eod) and will have cabergoline on hand just in case.

    I'm trying to minimize sides of tren while enjoying the cycle. My goal is to add 2 o 3 kg of lean mass.

    What do you think?
    Tren actually increases your TDEE, so might might not be ideal for bulking your first time running it. However at 150mg a week, you shouldn’t have any issues. I’d increase the test to 750-1000mg a week, lose the AI, it’s bad for you. You won’t need caber with that low of a dose. Keep some Masteron propionate, and nolvadex on hand to control any estrogen related sides if you’re sensitive to that kind of thing. You could throw an oral like dbol in there for the first few weeks to kick things off, but not necessary

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Up the tren and up the carbs...

    Add 5 to 7 pounds of lean mass.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    Tren actually increases your TDEE, so might might not be ideal for bulking your first time running it. However at 150mg a week, you shouldn’t have any issues. I’d increase the test to 750-1000mg a week, lose the AI, it’s bad for you. You won’t need caber with that low of a dose. Keep some Masteron propionate, and nolvadex on hand to control any estrogen related sides if you’re sensitive to that kind of thing. You could throw an oral like dbol in there for the first few weeks to kick things off, but not necessary
    Thanks for the advice man.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar Avgvstvs View Post
    Add 5 to 7 pounds of lean mass.
    I run much better and mitigate tren sides by keeping my test dose just above my TRT range and upping my tren between 350-500. Higher tren than test does better for me. Carbs are definitely your friend but I tend to stay away from them before bed because i sweat like a hog if they’re too high. I’ve never had to use an AI and am not prone to estrogen or prolactin sides. I did add mast enth to my last tren run and noticed a difference in terms of dryness and vascularity. Wasn’t a must have for me, but test, tren and mast is a holy trinity.

    Tren is so different for so many people. 5-7 pounds is easily attainable for that combo. Cougs is right about the TDEE going up and I also find it tough to eat on tren as I get heartburn and just don’t have the hunger like I normally do, I’ve certainly leaned bulked on it though and compensated by strength increases and my body crushing the calories I do put in.

    You have to run it and see. Some of the tren drama is true and some of it is lore. Definitely more sides than anything else I’ve experienced but certainly a heavyweight drug capable of drastic changes to one’s physique

    Running prop and ace will help if you need to adjust dosages along the way or jump off the ship.

    Good luck!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar Avgvstvs View Post
    Add 5 to 7 pounds of lean mass.

    I’d also look to add cardarine for 8 weeks at 10 to 20 mgs to help your lipids and your cardio. Tren crushes my breathing and wrecks my labs too. I’m 45 and labs afterwards for me always look like shit. Elevated BP, good cholesterol bottoms out as well. I also sleep like ass on it so plan accordingly. Sweating is also an issue I deal with too. I run hot regardless but tren gets me glistening. Just plan accordingly. Sounds fun, right?!

  8. #8
    Hey I'm needing a little help here please. Never been in a forum before, dont really know how this works. So sorry if I've sent so many post

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shoootitstraight80 View Post
    Hey I'm needing a little help here please. Never been in a forum before, dont really know how this works. So sorry if I've sent so many post

    Start with posting your own thread. Don’t hijack
    this dudes. Find the subheading and post accordingly

    Good luck
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 12-25-2019 at 07:28 AM.

  10. #10
    Sorry man no disrespect I'm new to posting or anything in here never been in a forum how do I do this. I mean how do I start communicating?

  11. #11
    Anyway can anybody help me. 1st trying to start a cycle would like to start testosterone cypionate but the guy that was gonna get it good me. Well let's just say her ain't coming though. So what im asking is. Are online sites safe, do they do good business? Does anybody have any experience with any by name or knows anybody that do.

  12. #12
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    Looks good but id probably go 6 weeks, id run masteron with tren whether bulking or cutting
    Run ur mast the same dose as test which was 300 if you can. Lose the AI. Keep some nolvadex on hand also. Im actually running a very similar stack

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    I’d also look to add cardarine for 8 weeks at 10 to 20 mgs to help your lipids and your cardio. Tren crushes my breathing and wrecks my labs too. I’m 45 and labs afterwards for me always look like shit. Elevated BP, good cholesterol bottoms out as well. I also sleep like ass on it so plan accordingly. Sweating is also an issue I deal with too. I run hot regardless but tren gets me glistening. Just plan accordingly. Sounds fun, right?!
    Yes, I've read that the sides of tren are no joke, that's the reason of the low dosage for my first tren cycle. Appreciate your advice man.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Looks good but id probably go 6 weeks, id run masteron with tren whether bulking or cutting
    Run ur mast the same dose as test which was 300 if you can. Lose the AI. Keep some nolvadex on hand also. Im actually running a very similar stack
    It seems that the mix Tren A/ Masteron is a real deal, and I would like to try it, but I prefer to introduce one compound at a time, just to see how it works on me (I've never tried tren nor masteron).

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar Avgvstvs View Post
    It seems that the mix Tren A/ Masteron is a real deal, and I would like to try it, but I prefer to introduce one compound at a time, just to see how it works on me (I've never tried tren nor masteron).
    All mast does is help harden you up sorta like an AI would do but unlike an AI mast is anabolic . Its pretty much used to treat breast cancer mast meaning “breast” i never run tren without the mast. I mean its like eating cereal with no milk they go hand n hand

  16. #16
    I have another questions for you guys.
    The thing is, as you know, I cruise on test, but I still have my nuts (with a decent size), but I've read that tren is extremely suppressive of the HPTA axis.
    How do you deal with this side?
    Is it possible to avoid this suppression by using cabergoline or any other med?
    Or... is it better to start an HCG cycle as kind of PCT in order to restore the size of the nuts?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar Avgvstvs View Post
    I have another questions for you guys.
    The thing is, as you know, I cruise on test, but I still have my nuts (with a decent size), but I've read that tren is extremely suppressive of the HPTA axis.
    How do you deal with this side?
    Is it possible to avoid this suppression by using cabergoline or any other med?
    Or... is it better to start an HCG cycle as kind of PCT in order to restore the size of the nuts?
    I’ve never had to run Caber and am not really susceptible to prolactin sides so can’t speak to that. Generally guys will just keep it on hand just in case. HCG will help minimize testicular atrophy if shrinkage is a concern. Run it alongside everything else, usually between 250 - 500 i.u.’s twice per week. Will also help with LH and FSH. I use to run it and don’t anymore...

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    I’ve never had to run Caber and am not really susceptible to prolactin sides so can’t speak to that. Generally guys will just keep it on hand just in case. HCG will help minimize testicular atrophy if shrinkage is a concern. Run it alongside everything else, usually between 250 - 500 i.u.’s twice per week. Will also help with LH and FSH. I use to run it and don’t anymore...
    Yes, I agree with you, running HCG at 250 twice/week should be enough.
    How about Thyroid? Should I have T3 in hand just in case? BTW, I will run tren no more than 6 weeks at a low dosage.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar Avgvstvs View Post
    Yes, I agree with you, running HCG at 250 twice/week should be enough.
    How about Thyroid? Should I have T3 in hand just in case? BTW, I will run tren no more than 6 weeks at a low dosage.

    I’ve never had any issues at all with thyroid and have never used T3 so can’t speak to that either. You may be overthinking it a bit, but I recognize you’re doing your due diligence, so I get it. I was nervous the first time I used tren too. The only thing I wasn’t prepared for was the feeling hot all the time, the shortness of breath and the insomnia. What I know now that works for me. Is keeping my tren higher than my test, watching my carbs before bed, running cardarine (10-20 mgs a day), monitoring my cholesterol and liver enzymes, having ambien or a sleep aid on hand and not wearing wool sweaters.

    I’ve done 4 tren runs and each has gotten better. My sweet spot is about 450 a week, more than that I’m a mess. I also went against the grain and ran enth the first time (and every time) and have run it on average 12 weeks. (I’d consider going 8 instead of 6 for your run, but that’s just me).

    I also ran mast for the first time (at 400 a week) for the duration and felt great and really liked the aesthetics it added, it also helped my libido as well.

    That’s all I can share man, everyone seems to have a different tren experience, at some point you just gotta dive the fuck in and see what happens.

  20. #20
    Thanks for your advice Sampson. Yes I'm doing my research, and with tren is very hard to find medical studies on humans. However, parabolan has been prescribed to humans in France, at a reasonable dosages (1 amp e10d),
    What's interesting about parabolan is the fact that it is attached to a longer ester tan acetate, but the detection time lasts 4-5 weeks, that's amazing, It is like your thing and get out quick.

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