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Thread: Planning my Re-comp Phased Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Planning my Re-comp Phased Cycle

    Hi All,
    I've run around 5 cycles in the past Other than the test esters, I've used Tren, EQ, D-Bol and Winny, all cycles consisting of around 12 weeks on before jumping into a PCT.

    Slightly modified cycle plan...
    I want to be on cycle 16 to 20 weeks recovery is very important to me though, Im trying to avoid compounds like deca /NPP as Ive heard a lot of horror stories... the nandrolone hang around for a long time after the cycle. I have ran 5 cycles over 9 years and never had gyno. Maybe itchy nipples on D-Bol, but now 1.5 yers since my last cycle Ive developed very mild pea sized gyno, so will be dosing nolva at 10mg every day through my cycle and going to keep estrogenic steroids on the lower side.

    My drafted cycle is below, any problems? My aim is to do a lean bulk cycle, I once ran tren for 12 weeks at 80mg EOD but have also ran at 60EOD. My new plan is to run only 50EOD, and introduce mast p too using the promstren mix 150mg.

    any problems or improvements please let me know.


    Week 1-8 Test 500mg/week, dbol kicker 20mg/day for 3 weeks (I get good results on 12 weeks of tren, but its just not long enough on cycle...)
    Week 9-16 Promastren 150mg 1ml EOD (50mg mast prop, 50mg tren ace, 50mg test prop)
    HCG ran 250iu x2 weekly all way to pct

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cycle pic.png 
Views:	80 
Size:	56.8 KB 
ID:	177903

    Open to any comments on my proposed cycle layout/compounds/dosage
    Last edited by Muse; 01-11-2020 at 09:53 AM.

  2. #2
    If you want someone to give you specific breakdowns of complex cycles and PCT protocols, find a valuable coach and pay them for it. Here is more for simple advice, discussions and questions/answers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I don't like the idea of bulk, cruise then cut. Just seems like a huge waste of time. I would like to hear your reason for the cruise.

    If I were you, I would use my bulk to taper my calories up as high as well. I would go as high as I could without visibly losing my abs and keep bulking until my body told me it had enough via not being able to get food down anymore or body just being beat indicating some sort of rest is needed, this usually happens about 6-8 weeks anyways. From there, a 500 calorie cut will do wonders.

    No t3 guru here but 25mcg seems too low for a cut. That would be good for a bulk due to t3s nutrient partitioning benefits but for a cut I would start at 25 and taper to at least 50 and max out at 75 if needed.

    20 weeks seems too long for someone who says recovery is important and that alone should be reason to reconsider that cruise period.

  4. #4
    Well bro, I will give my opinion suffers what I would do.

    1. I would do my muscle mass gain phase for at least 12 weeks (which gives 3 months)

    2.Executaria 500iu of HCG throughout the cycle to keep the natural production of testosterone working.
    Also using 10 to 20 mg of Nolvadex as a estrogen receptor blocker.

    3.After 12 weeks of cycle, then would cruise for 4-6 weeks.

    So, week 13 ° to week 16 °, it would be cruise, would keep with low doses of testo.

    Remember that Cruise will also run 500iu HCG (since you don't want your HPT axis to turn off).

    After 4-6 weeks on cruise, you would go to a cutting phase for another 12 weeks.

    "8 weeks to cut is a very short time bro."

  5. #5
    The HCG throughout its cycle AAS usage is to not let your HPT-HPTA axis shut down.
    Your recovery after the end of all steroid use will be faster because your body will still be producing its own testosterone manufacturing.

    500iu per week is a good dose to make sure that doesn't happen
    If you to run HCG on your cycle; PCT serm:Nolvadex + Clomid; will ensure your recovery.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by LiftingLevi View Post
    If you want someone to give you specific breakdowns of complex cycles and PCT protocols, find a valuable coach and pay them for it. Here is more for simple advice, discussions and questions/answers.
    Thanks everyone appreciate it, taking comments on board [emoji3]

    I've PMd GearHeaded but maybe he doesn't read them from people he doesn't know. Hopefully he has an input or can discuss a coaching cost to set me on the right path.

    Sent from my VOG-L29 using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Muse View Post
    Thanks everyone appreciate it, taking comments on board [emoji3]

    I've PMd GearHeaded but maybe he doesn't read them from people he doesn't know. Hopefully he has an input or can discuss a coaching cost to set me on the right path.

    Sent from my VOG-L29 using Tapatalk
    If GearHeaded is not responding your messages it must be because it is busy.
    Soon he will answer you bro. GearHeaded is very good people!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    I don't like the idea of bulk, cruise then cut. Just seems like a huge waste of time. I would like to hear your reason for the cruise.

    If I were you, I would use my bulk to taper my calories up as high as well. I would go as high as I could without visibly losing my abs and keep bulking until my body told me it had enough via not being able to get food down anymore or body just being beat indicating some sort of rest is needed, this usually happens about 6-8 weeks anyways. From there, a 500 calorie cut will do wonders.

    No t3 guru here but 25mcg seems too low for a cut. That would be good for a bulk due to t3s nutrient partitioning benefits but for a cut I would start at 25 and taper to at least 50 and max out at 75 if needed.

    20 weeks seems too long for someone who says recovery is important and that alone should be reason to reconsider that cruise period.
    I agree with you. bulk, cruise, cut all done way too fast. My bulks last nearly 5-6 months with a 2-3 month cruise. Then I cut. Doing bulk/cut too quick is a sure fire way to lose all your gains.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Slightly modified cycle plan...
    I want to be on cycle 16 to 20 weeks recovery is very important to me though, Im trying to avoid compounds like deca/NPP as Ive heard a lot of horror stories... the nandrolone hang around for a long time after the cycle. I have ran 5 cycles over 9 years and never had gyno. Maybe itchy nipples on D-Bol, but now 1.5 yers since my last cycle Ive developed very mild pea sized gyno, so will be dosing nolva at 10mg every day through my cycle and going to keep estrogenic steroids on the lower side.

    My drafted cycle is below, any problems? My aim is to do a lean bulk cycle, I once ran tren for 12 weeks at 80mg EOD but have also rn at 60EOD. My new plan is to run only 50EOD, and introduce mast p too using the promstren mix 150mg.

    any problems or improvements please let me know.

    Week 1-8 Test 500mg/week, dbol kicker 20mg/dy for 3 weeks
    Week 9-16 Promastren 150mg 1ml EOD (50mg mast prop, 50mg tren ace, 50mg test prop)
    HCG ran 250iu x2 weekly all way to pct
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cycle pic.png 
Views:	75 
Size:	56.8 KB 
ID:	177898
    Last edited by Muse; 01-10-2020 at 05:16 PM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    20 weeks seems too long for someone who says recovery is important and that alone should be reason to reconsider that cruise period.
    This X2

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    BUMP, I've made changes to my first post. Cheers

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