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I don't like the idea of bulk, cruise then cut. Just seems like a huge waste of time. I would like to hear your reason for the cruise.
If I were you, I would use my bulk to taper my calories up as high as well. I would go as high as I could without visibly losing my abs and keep bulking until my body told me it had enough via not being able to get food down anymore or body just being beat indicating some sort of rest is needed, this usually happens about 6-8 weeks anyways. From there, a 500 calorie cut will do wonders.
No t3 guru here but 25mcg seems too low for a cut. That would be good for a bulk due to t3s nutrient partitioning benefits but for a cut I would start at 25 and taper to at least 50 and max out at 75 if needed.
20 weeks seems too long for someone who says recovery is important and that alone should be reason to reconsider that cruise period.