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Thread: GYNO with LOW E and Prolact? Possible?

  1. #1

    GYNO with LOW E and Prolact? Possible?

    Ok, so, my right nip looks different at different times of the day. (Like most with gyno). When I am cold, chest looks nice and tight. Nipples sucked up under. When I am hot or whatever they flare/look puffy. Anyways, I recently ran a cycle of Test, Deca, kicked off with Dbol. I ran my Estro LOW and prolactin was only SLIGHTLY elevated. Got on caber, and prolactin looks good. BUT still feeling it in my nips. My question is, maybe I should be running NOLVA vs adex or Aromosin? Like is it possible even with LOW LOW estro my nips could just be SUPER SENSATIVE and maybe need a drug that acts directly on breast tissue like nolva to help?

    Hope that made sense.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by Swolabetic View Post
    Ok, so, my right nip looks different at different times of the day. (Like most with gyno). When I am cold, chest looks nice and tight. Nipples sucked up under. When I am hot or whatever they flare/look puffy. Anyways, I recently ran a cycle of Test, Deca, kicked off with Dbol. I ran my Estro LOW and prolactin was only SLIGHTLY elevated. Got on caber, and prolactin looks good. BUT still feeling it in my nips. My question is, maybe I should be running NOLVA vs adex or Aromosin? Like is it possible even with LOW LOW estro my nips could just be SUPER SENSATIVE and maybe need a drug that acts directly on breast tissue like nolva to help?

    Hope that made sense.

    Are you off cycle now? Are you through PCT?

    What did your PCT consist of?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Are you off cycle now? Are you through PCT?

    What did your PCT consist of?
    I've been on TRT for about a year. So, I am never "off". So no pact was ran.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    take 10 mgs of Nolva BID for the next couple of weeks at least alongside your AI (do you take AI with TRT?). You need to stop the conversion and block it, run them together. Nolva with either Aromasin or Adex for around a month or so.

    Here’s a decent Clip from “ask the doc” talking reversal while still on...

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