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Everybody responds differently. I've seen people who say that test makes them feel absolutely no different than being natty, even people claiming not to feel a difference after 1g/week. Then there are others like me, who felt the test E kicking in after only 2 weeks and then lowered the dose (currently 200...basically trt) and STILL feel the fuck out of it, although not as much as at 400. Test E is known to take a longer time to fully kick in so that could be part of it. But only bloods will tell you for sure. Now if this was tren and you weren't feeling it, that'd be cause for concern. But test? Just wait for the results.
Personally, I'd drop the adex and see how you feel, although it looks like you're barely taking any to begin with. But a lot of the "feeling" of it is probably going to come from the estrogen, and taking an AI will lessen that. Nolva would be better to use since it just keeps you from getting gyno without messing with your estrogen.
As far as infections, just use the proper precautions (alcohol wipe top of vial, let it sit for 30 seconds or so, draw, change needle if possible, alcohol wipe injection site, wait a few seconds, inject) and you'll be fine unless your gear is tainted. So get your stuff from a well-trusted source. I work in a prison where I see people take insulin in the medical area all the time, and they are less sanitary than most of us on this board, and I've never heard of any of them getting an infection from insulin needles yet. If they did, I must have missed it. My guess is that most infections come from bad gear, but I'm not expert, I could be dead wrong. Just BE CAREFUL EVERY TIME and you'll at least eliminate yourself as a reason for infection. But it can still happen, so make sure you know where the ER/urgent care is just in case. If you're smart and pay attention, worst case scenario, you pay some medical bills and take antibiotics for a while.
As far as knowing when you have an infection....ain't had one, so I wouldn't know. But I'd say if you see redness and swelling, keep an eye on it. Redness and swelling don't mean infection (I've had that multiple times already), but infections generally start with that. Just be smart and don't panic, make good decisions.