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Thread: 1st Cycle Test E -> 4 weeks so far 19lbs gained with unexpected side effect

  1. #1

    Question 1st Cycle Test E -> 4 weeks so far 19lbs gained with unexpected side effect

    Here goes my experience:

    i'm 34 years old 6'1" 167 lbs BF 16% trained for 4 years when i decided to start my first cycle 4 weeks ago. (my diet is on check)

    - Got Testosterone Enanthate 250 mg/ml from a well known UGL.
    - Tested using RoidTest kit which was 100% positive Test E.
    - started injecting twice a week 500 mg.

    i felt the strength from week 2 and it felt so good a lot of energy i spent 3 hours in the GYM every other day and i feel i can spend even more time if my joints did not start to hurt.

    - i use my fitness pal to track my calories i increased my calories intake to 4681 cal (Protein 350g, Carb 592g, Fat 102g)

    -- WK 1 gained 7 lbs
    -- WK 2 gained 6 lbs
    -- WK 3 gained 4 lbs
    -- WK 4 gained 2 lbs (total gained 19lbs probably 7-8 lbs muscle the rest water and fat) both biceps has 1.25 in increase my gains are slowing down though!!
    Did Blood work
    -- my Testosterone says High > 1500 ng/dl (off the chart could not provide me with a number that was sad)
    -- Free test > 50 pg/ml
    -- ALT High 56 IU/L (yes even inject-able will effect your liver enzymes but not by that much) i can live with it
    -- Estradiol high 141 pg/ml ( i know i know i did not want to use aromasin until i get my first blood work i don't wanted to fuck up my estrogen level beside i did not feel any signs of high estrogen ) i am doing now 25mg of aromasin every day for a week then every other day until week 8 for another blood test
    BF increased to 19% but that's still good i expect to gain fat.

    Side effects
    - i read so much about side effects so far i've got one that i did not expect:
    -- Allergic reaction from the injection (Rash spreading across all my body) no itching though known as (chronic hives) i have never had it all my life (looks like the world map painted with flat dark skin pattern) every day it keeps spreading lol, does anyone of you guys has it before. honestly i can live with it, it did not reach to my legs or face yet. i still have 8 weeks to go my strength is getting stronger everyday, libido still high as always even with high estrogen. i'm hard instantly when the time comes..

    do you advice me to stop because of the rash or keep going to week 8 or 12 ? i love my new gains though

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Try taking an antihistamine every day for a week and see if it goes away. Claritin, or the like. I once got an allergic reaction to a few hazelnuts, and I’ve eaten tons of them before. Looked like a lobster. The body works in mysterious ways at times.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    There's tons of stuff you can take for that. If you do think it was an allergic reaction you can probably just use some antibiotics or antihistamines can do the job

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