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Thread: Second Cycle suggestions and critique this proposed cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Post Second Cycle suggestions and critique this proposed cycle

    Hey guys, I am back again to suppress my test once again and stress the organs inside. JK
    After my very successful first cycle and near perfect recovery. I am thinking of cycling again. This time my choice of drugs are :

    T.prop - 50 mg/EOD (10 weeks)
    Mast - 50 mg/EOD (10 weeks)
    Primo - 50mg/EOD (10 weeks)
    Anavar - 50 mg/ED (For 4-6 weeks)

    Are the dosages right or should I bump the prop to 100mg EOD?
    Previously, I ran Test E @ 500mg/week for 10 weeks and added Stana @ 50mg EOD for 3 weeks - SOLID RESULTS

    Currently sitting at 12-14% bf, bloods are normal except for HDL which was lower than 20 but after a couple of weeks of NAC it came out as 40 and now its been a good month and I have been taking Omega 3 a lot, fibre, limited my sugars and NAC and so a test is due but an indicator that it's improved a lot is my facial acne is non existent now.

    I have my diet dialed in, training has been sloppy.
    Kept almost all of my gains.
    stayed at the same bf even after eating like crazy.

    Last time you guys made it possible for me to cycle safely and get the maximum results with minimal sides. Please help me again. I am looking to drop some more bf and gain lean mass and for that is this combination of drugs right?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    I'd bump the Mast and Primo up to at least 100mg Eod.. or you could drop one or the other and just run the one at 150mg

    keep in mind you can also run your Var at the end of your cycle going into PCT.
    so for eg. if you stop pinning your gear and your going to wait about 10 days to start pct , you could still be using var daily for those 10 days

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls

    Second Cycle suggestions and critique this proposed cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by bobspix View Post
    Hey guys, I am back again to suppress my test once again and stress the organs inside. JK
    After my very successful first cycle and near perfect recovery. I am thinking of cycling again. This time my choice of drugs are :

    T.prop - 50 mg/EOD (10 weeks)
    Mast - 50 mg/EOD (10 weeks)
    Primo - 50mg/EOD (10 weeks)
    Anavar - 50 mg/ED (For 4-6 weeks)

    Are the dosages right or should I bump the prop to 100mg EOD?
    Previously, I ran Test E @ 500mg/week for 10 weeks and added Stana @ 50mg EOD for 3 weeks - SOLID RESULTS

    Currently sitting at 12-14% bf, bloods are normal except for HDL which was lower than 20 but after a couple of weeks of NAC it came out as 40 and now its been a good month and I have been taking Omega 3 a lot, fibre, limited my sugars and NAC and so a test is due but an indicator that it's improved a lot is my facial acne is non existent now.

    I have my diet dialed in, training has been sloppy.
    Kept almost all of my gains.
    stayed at the same bf even after eating like crazy.

    Last time you guys made it possible for me to cycle safely and get the maximum results with minimal sides. Please help me again. I am looking to drop some more bf and gain lean mass and for that is this combination of drugs right?
    Gear Headed covered the cycle, nothing to add..Only thing I can add is make sure your body is primed to do hard training and research diets..everyone worries too much about hormones but it’s majority diet learn something new everyday to excel, if you apply yourself and thank you for including so many details makes it much easier to help..
    Good luck and see you in diet section

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    Last edited by KINGKONG; 01-16-2020 at 12:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Every day injections
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'd bump the Mast and Primo up to at least 100mg Eod.. or you could drop one or the other and just run the one at 150mg

    keep in mind you can also run your Var at the end of your cycle going into PCT.
    so for eg. if you stop pinning your gear and your going to wait about 10 days to start pct , you could still be using var daily for those 10 days
    1)I could bump Primo to 100 but will it be necessary to up Mast too?

    2)The t.prop dosage is to be kept same right?

    3) I like the idea of using Anavar between PCT and last shot. So I will introduce Anavar at about 6th week @50mg/ed. My mai concern is it's stress on liver and HDL is it gonna be drastic compared to stana?

    4) How much Nac shall I take to maintain liver health currently it is 1000mg tabs x 2 / ED and Fish Oil 8 tabs (1000mg)/ED

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Gear Headed covered the cycle, nothing to add..Only thing I can add is make sure your body is primed to do hard training and research diets..everyone worries too much about hormones but it’s majority diet learn something new everyday to excel, if you apply yourself and thank you for including so many details makes it much easier to help..
    Good luck and see you in diet section

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    Yes 100% agreed. Diet is the key.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Every day injections
    I might sound like a lil btch but ED injections is something I don't want I only have a pair of buttcheeks

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Outside the walls
    Quote Originally Posted by bobspix View Post
    Yes 100% agreed. Diet is the key.
    Glad to hear..irritates me seeing guys use a ton of hormones and stay the same or have stifled growth...

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls

    Second Cycle suggestions and critique this proposed cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by bobspix View Post
    I might sound like a lil btch but ED injections is something I don't want I only have a pair of buttcheeks
    Sub q from a insulin pin is very convenient and don’t have to use your be seems the bioavailability is better then my gluteus because I have a lot of scar tissue..

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I’d trade the mast out for another compound, or just drop it for this cycle. I don’t see anything going on here that requires masteron. Mast goes good with 19nors, and you’re not running any. And your test isn’t high enough to call for it. Save your money.

  11. #11
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    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    I’d trade the mast out for another compound, or just drop it for this cycle. I don’t see anything going on here that requires masteron. Mast goes good with 19nors, and you’re not running any. And your test isn’t high enough to call for it. Save your money.
    And your suggestion brother?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by bobspix View Post
    I might sound like a lil btch but ED injections is something I don't want I only have a pair of buttcheeks
    Then don't use short esters. You are wasting almost 30% of your dose by doing every other day.

    Graph every day versus every other day injections on and try to convince me every other day injections makes sense for prop ester
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Then don't use short esters. You are wasting almost 30% of your dose by doing every other day.

    Graph every day versus every other day injections on and try to convince me every other day injections makes sense for prop ester
    So you're saying I should replace test P with test e?

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