Hey guys, I am back again to suppress my test once again and stress the organs inside. JK
After my very successful first cycle and near perfect recovery. I am thinking of cycling again. This time my choice of drugs are :
T.prop - 50 mg/EOD (10 weeks)
Mast - 50 mg/EOD (10 weeks)
Primo - 50mg/EOD (10 weeks)
Anavar - 50 mg/ED (For 4-6 weeks)
Are the dosages right or should I bump the prop to 100mg EOD?
Previously, I ran Test E @ 500mg/week for 10 weeks and added Stana @ 50mg EOD for 3 weeks - SOLID RESULTS
Currently sitting at 12-14% bf, bloods are normal except for HDL which was lower than 20 but after a couple of weeks of NAC it came out as 40 and now its been a good month and I have been taking Omega 3 a lot, fibre, limited my sugars and NAC and so a test is due but an indicator that it's improved a lot is my facial acne is non existent now.
I have my diet dialed in, training has been sloppy.
Kept almost all of my gains.
stayed at the same bf even after eating like crazy.
Last time you guys made it possible for me to cycle safely and get the maximum results with minimal sides. Please help me again. I am looking to drop some more bf and gain lean mass and for that is this combination of drugs right?