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Thread: Looking to try something new

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Looking to try something new

    I am trying to plan my next cycle and would like to possibly try some new compounds in an attempt to push me past my sticking point of 230lbs. I have been off of aas for a little over 6 months now and am currently at 225lbs so I’m hoping once I’m back on gear I will be able to get over 230lbs.

    I have been on 1000mg of testosterone a week, and ran deca as high as 600mg per week. I have used tren ace and had no negative side affects at 500mg a week. These are the only injectables I have used.

    As far as orals, I have only ran dbol and anadrol.

    I’m looking for some recommendations for injectables and/or orals that I can add to my cycle which will either be test/deca or test/tren and why they would be beneficial.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I am trying to plan my next cycle and would like to possibly try some new compounds in an attempt to push me past my sticking point of 230lbs. I have been off of aas for a little over 6 months now and am currently at 225lbs so I’m hoping once I’m back on gear I will be able to get over 230lbs.

    I have been on 1000mg of testosterone a week, and ran deca as high as 600mg per week. I have used tren ace and had no negative side affects at 500mg a week. These are the only injectables I have used.

    As far as orals, I have only ran dbol and anadrol.

    I’m looking for some recommendations for injectables and/or orals that I can add to my cycle which will either be test/deca or test/tren and why they would be beneficial.
    Test/Deca/DHB is a winner

    I know you’ve said you’ve done Test/Deca/Dianabol, but that’s always a winning combination as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Have you ever used hgh or insulin? Those along with a good cycle will pack on some size. The hgh takes a long time though. Id start it a month or two before the cycle, but you probably dont want to wait lol (i dont blame you).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Test/deca/dbol has been my favorite so far. I haven’t tried insulin or hgh yet. I did start taking mk677 about a month ago.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Test/deca/dbol has been my favorite so far. I haven’t tried insulin or hgh yet. I did start taking mk677 about a month ago.
    MK677 is fantastic.

    You can always dick around with the doseages and see what works better for you. If you’re going to run the deca higher than test, you can throw some Masteron in there to keep your DHT conversion up, or really... Masteron just kind of makes everything better. I like to compare it to running amsoil in your car.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    I know I'm new here but from personal experience some test with deca and dbol work great for me

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