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Thread: How much test is too much test?

  1. #1

    Question How much test is too much test?

    Curious to know what is the maximum test limit (on cycle for example when using just test), I never increased more then 500mg EW (works perfectly)

    But where does it end? What I meant to say is what is the "peak" of test a human body can hold and utilises and more then that will be just a waste?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    It differs from person to person, but I’d say about 2,000mg a week is the point of diminishing returns

  3. #3
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    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Dgs59 View Post
    Curious to know what is the maximum test limit (on cycle for example when using just test), I never increased more then 500mg EW (works perfectly)

    But where does it end? What I meant to say is what is the "peak" of test a human body can hold and utilises and more then that will be just a waste?
    It all comes down depending the person but totally the more the more prone you are to getting some trouble. 500mg is good dose, you can even push it a little higher

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    It differs from person to person, but I’d say about 2,000mg a week is the point of diminishing returns
    Right, so does this mean that body will build the tolerance against it if you keep using for say 1000mg EW?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I see no point in going over 750mg per week. And even that is too high.

    I rarely run test above 350mg per week. I rely on other compounds to get the desired results I'm looking for.

  6. #6
    Most I've run is 600mg a week. I've read posts by guys running 750 up to 1250 a week. Some say they got great results, but some also said they got a lot of sides with little results when compared to lower doses.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    It differs from person to person, but I’d say about 2,000mg a week is the point of diminishing returns
    This^^^^ nice cougar

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Outside the walls

    How much test is too much test?

    FYI ran a gram a week majority of my 20's with eq or deca at a gram, no AI just nolva when needed
    Gh at 3.33
    Zero health issues 20 years later..none and I've had battery's of tests..
    If you have healthy genetics and no preexisting conditions test will not hurt you imo
    :this is my non researched ,one person tested opinion, take it or leave it, I don't run a gram anymore because my body doesn't need it to maintain..
    Btw not recommending this to anyone, I had a misguided young adult life..
    Did it take years off my life?maybe, but I don't care, quality over quantity is my motto..
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 02-11-2020 at 07:06 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    This will be entirely individual specific.
    I know guys that cant handle 500 and I have ran oodles and gobs beyond that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    If your looking to try this yourself, start with a big dose of eq. Its similar to test but without most of the sides. If you cant handle a gram of eq than a gram of test is going to really upset you. You can also try no ester test so if the sides bother you, you can just stop immediately. No ester test is one of my favorites

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    FYI ran a gram a week majority of my 20's with eq or deca at a gram, no AI just nolva when needed
    Gh at 3.33
    Zero health issues 20 years later..none and I've had battery's of tests..
    If you have healthy genetics and no preexisting conditions test will not hurt you imo
    :this is my non researched ,one person tested opinion, take it or leave it, I don't run a gram anymore because my body doesn't need it to maintain..
    Btw not recommending this to anyone, I had a misguided young adult life..
    Did it take years off my life?maybe, but I don't care, quality over quantity is my motto..
    What about you building the tolerance? I heard people say when you use more you will have to go up the dose most of the time otherwise you won't feel it, how did it go for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    This will be entirely individual specific.
    I know guys that cant handle 500 and I have ran oodles and gobs beyond that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    If your looking to try this yourself, start with a big dose of eq. Its similar to test but without most of the sides. If you cant handle a gram of eq than a gram of test is going to really upset you. You can also try no ester test so if the sides bother you, you can just stop immediately. No ester test is one of my favorites

    Getting my hands on EQ to add into my cruise, been on 250 test EW, but I feel like 500 is my sweet spot for test at the moment on blast.

    One thing though, on 500 I can go whole weekend having sex and still feel horney, sex is always on mind but on 250 I am okay but don't feel like 500... What does this tells you as observation point of view?
    Last edited by Dgs59; 02-11-2020 at 11:42 PM.

  12. #12
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    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    FYI ran a gram a week majority of my 20's with eq or deca at a gram, no AI just nolva when needed
    Gh at 3.33
    Non-stop or blasting cruising / cycling?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by wavefunction View Post
    Non-stop or blasting cruising / cycling?
    I ran over a gram most of the last few years.
    If you averaged it out it would be more lol
    Last edited by The road; 02-12-2020 at 01:33 AM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dgs59 View Post

    One thing though, on 500 I can go whole weekend having sex and still feel horney, sex is always on mind but on 250 I am okay but don't feel like 500... What does this tells you as observation point of view?
    That's u r a horney motherfucker lol

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dgs59 View Post
    What about you building the tolerance? I heard people say when you use more you will have to go up the dose most of the time otherwise you won't feel it, how did it
    Most definitely you build a tolerance..I didn't start a gram of test..started at 300-400 a week as I grew and as I got bigger 250-260 at times (bloated) had to up the dose..your body will stop responding otherwise..I would take periodic breaks (we now call them cruising) but for me it was low dose test and no anabolic, then about the time the weight was falling off I'd hit up another 1 gram with a good anabolic I've ran primo and deca and eq mostly as what I like to call a side piece..they compliment the test very well in a synergistic way..
    The only way to get rid of your tolerance is quit or go low dose or add tren(which I've always tried to avoid) ..Those low test times were the worst, low libido, no aggression in the gym, depression..It's all part of the game I love so, I dealt..Now after taking time off for injuries about 2 years in total 500 test and a small dose of a anabolic does me just fine..

    “Men do never if seldom, rise from small beginnings to great heights...Except through fraud or force"
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  16. #16
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    How much test is too much test?

    Quote Originally Posted by wavefunction View Post
    Non-stop or blasting cruising / cycling?
    I didn't call it that, there wasn't a term for the stuff I was doing 15 years ago..members would flame you to death for saying this kinda stuff but yeah, high dose for 3-4 months and couple month break at trt was all cycle and pct on forums back then..It didn't make sense to me, I got all my sides during pct..Don't think iam saying I was a pioneer or knew something others didn't but wasn't gonna follow everyone blindly, I followed my body instead ,besides I've known guys taking heavy doses for 10 years and had kids and are ok, not everyone might but they are..Are their natural test levels what they were?probably not but that comes with aging as well..

    “Men do never if seldom, rise from small beginnings to great heights...Except through fraud or force"
    Niccolò Machiavelli
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 02-12-2020 at 05:09 AM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by CA_DXB_85 View Post
    That's u r a horney motherfucker lol
    Lol I feel like a horney pig on 500 seriously... When I first experienced it blew my mind

    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Most definitely you build a tolerance..I didn't start a gram of test..started at 300-400 a week as I grew and as I got bigger 250-260 at times (bloated) had to up the dose..your body will stop responding otherwise..I would take periodic breaks (we now call them cruising) but for me it was low dose test and no anabolic, then about the time the weight was falling off I'd hit up another 1 gram with a good anabolic I've ran primo and deca and eq mostly as what I like to call a side piece..they compliment the test very well in a synergistic way..
    The only way to get rid of your tolerance is quit or go low dose or add tren(which I've always tried to avoid) ..Those low test times were the worst, low libido, no aggression in the gym, depression..It's all part of the game I love so, I dealt..Now after taking time off for injuries about 2 years in total 500 test and a small dose of a anabolic does me just fine..

    “Men do never if seldom, rise from small beginnings to great heights...Except through fraud or force"
    Niccolò Machiavelli
    Right, I am gonna add EQ for sure on cruise, thinking deca on my blast only as I know I will be bloated and I am thinking to do a cut for 4-6 weeks while on cruise.

    In regards to taking break I guess it's too late for that, I have stopped using HCG months ago and doing PCT and trying to restart normal production is going to be a nightmare (correct me if I am wrong) but on the other hand I also don't want to build tolerance (I love what 500 does to me and if it doesn't I will definitely increase the dose to feel the same I felt on 500).

  18. #18
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    Feb 2014
    Test is a completely different animal above 1000mg a week. That’s where I feel like it starts working as a stand alone compound

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dgs59 View Post
    Lol I feel like a horney pig on 500 seriously... When I first experienced it blew my mind

    Right, I am gonna add EQ for sure on cruise, thinking deca on my blast only as I know I will be bloated and I am thinking to do a cut for 4-6 weeks while on cruise.

    In regards to taking break I guess it's too late for that, I have stopped using HCG months ago and doing PCT and trying to restart normal production is going to be a nightmare (correct me if I am wrong) but on the other hand I also don't want to build tolerance (I love what 500 does to me and if it doesn't I will definitely increase the dose to feel the same I felt on 500).
    Let your body decide'll know when it's right to up the dose or add another would be a nightmare starting pct now..It's your life man, think deep..Do you wanna be on hormones forever, or do you wanna get natural at some you want kids?a lot to I don't want kids, don't care my testes are size of peas and will run test till my heart explodes
    But that's me..

    “Men do never if seldom, rise from small beginnings to great heights...Except through fraud or force"
    Niccolò Machiavelli

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Let your body decide'll know when it's right to up the dose or add another would be a nightmare starting pct now..It's your life man, think deep..Do you wanna be on hormones forever, or do you wanna get natural at some you want kids?a lot to I don't want kids, don't care my testes are size of peas and will run test till my heart explodes
    But that's me..

    “Men do never if seldom, rise from small beginnings to great heights...Except through fraud or force"
    Niccolò Machiavelli
    If Bostin Loyd managed to get his gf pregnant, anybody can, I think...

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by wavefunction View Post
    If Bostin Loyd managed to get his gf pregnant, anybody can, I think...
    It's not dose dependent, it's time dependent and person dependent..saying so and so did it so can I, is not very conclusive..Ive never tried, my fitness model buddy ran tren for 10 years or so ,got married has two beautiful kids..The majority of the time I think with the right protocol it's reversible, but don't bank on it..Different people respond differently, ive seen some have permanent ED from heavy doses of Letro or Finasteride..anytime you mess with your hormones expect to have issues..I've been blessed, iam healthy and have no sexual disfunction's, but iam sterile and that is a fact..

    “Men do never if seldom, rise from small beginnings to great heights...Except through fraud or force"
    Niccolò Machiavelli

  22. #22
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    Steroids brought my sperm count to zero... even with hcg. Thankfully 6 months of Clomid completely changed that and we were able to conceive.

    As far as high levels of test, I have always thought as you become a more “advanced” user, you really only run test as a base and use stronger compounds (deca or tren) at higher doses to do the work.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Steroids brought my sperm count to zero... even with hcg. Thankfully 6 months of Clomid completely changed that and we were able to conceive.

    As far as high levels of test, I have always thought as you become a more “advanced” user, you really only run test as a base and use stronger compounds (deca or tren) at higher doses to do the work.
    Congrats I know that was a long deal for you

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    Steroids brought my sperm count to zero... even with hcg. Thankfully 6 months of Clomid completely changed that and we were able to conceive.

    As far as high levels of test, I have always thought as you become a more “advanced” user, you really only run test as a base and use stronger compounds (deca or tren) at higher doses to do the work.
    Congrats bro, I'm glad for you!

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by wavefunction View Post
    If Bostin Loyd managed to get his gf pregnant, anybody can, I think...
    Or did he?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dgs59 View Post
    Or did he?
    My bad....

  27. #27
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    What about Palumbo... at 50. Dude has 2 kids, going on 3 I think.

  28. #28
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    My acne gets out of control with just 500 mg of Test per week! So ya, I cant even handle that. Can only imagine what 700-1000 mg would do to me. Lol

  29. #29
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    I upped the TE to 750 EW from my usual 500 EW during a cycle a few years ago & so no difference at all, just a waste of money.

    I agree with the previous posts recommending adding another compound, that makes a world of difference.

  30. #30
    1000mg(1gram) per week was my threshold.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    1000mg(1gram) per week was my threshold.
    Haven’t found mine yet. Presently at 1500 mg

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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Haven’t found mine yet. Presently at 1500 mg

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    Why did I just laugh evilly?
    Hapoy vday

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    1000mg(1gram) per week was my threshold.
    what’s a threshold feel like?

    I mean I sort of know with drol, but seems like more test just feels better

  34. #34
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    The first time I tried 1250mg I jumped there straight from 750. I had massive headaches and oily skin and overall couldn't handle the sides.

    Last prep I slowly ramped up and got up to 1500-1750 for a time and had no issues at all with sides. Kind of just wanted to experiment with the dose.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Haven’t found mine yet. Presently at 1500 mg

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    I'm 4 weeks in running 1500mg as well, along with 20mg Cialis ED.

    Add 50mg of T-bol last week and noticed increase in strength and sense of well-being.

  36. #36
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    Ive gone well over 3 grams plus over 2 grams with other randomn much harsher compounds.

    Oily skin was about the only real side.
    No AI, No nolva.

    Only compounds I ever had to back off from was anadrol with tren at superdoses.

    300mg anadrol ED and a giant frontload of tren ace gave me some sort of mucous membrane issue.

    I would start working out and get hot. My lungs would "sweat" for lack of a better description. I would cough so violently and fast I could not breathe and the mote I coughed the more I got hot and it compounded. It was like drowning. Very similar feeling.

    There isn't much point in high doses like that.
    A nice bump of a gram or two of sustanon can fill you up in a couple days if your flat and depleted.

    Your not gonna be doing any extra growing past 1200mg or so in my experience. My experience may not be yours.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Ive gone well over 3 grams plus over 2 grams with other randomn much harsher compounds.

    Oily skin was about the only real side.
    No AI, No nolva.

    Only compounds I ever had to back off from was anadrol with tren at superdoses.

    300mg anadrol ED and a giant frontload of tren ace gave me some sort of mucous membrane issue.

    I would start working out and get hot. My lungs would "sweat" for lack of a better description. I would cough so violently and fast I could not breathe and the mote I coughed the more I got hot and it compounded. It was like drowning. Very similar feeling.

    There isn't much point in high doses like that.
    A nice bump of a gram or two of sustanon can fill you up in a couple days if your flat and depleted.

    Your not gonna be doing any extra growing past 1200mg or so in my experience. My experience may not be yours.
    No AI here but the issue I need to be careful of is water retention. I started growing like a mother fucker but the edema set in ( I was taking a lot of wet compounds also) and I had to back off.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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