So glad I found this forum! I am 46 and have been feeling sluggesh for some time now. No sex drive, desire YES! but, no drive. I just feel blah so, I went on line to research Test Therapy and make a long story short, got my blood drawn and tested by LapCorp. I am 46, drive a truck over the road, eat like crap, married for 25yrs, 5 grown kids and 3 grandkids. I don't smoke, anymore, but I do like to drink beer and wiskey but, not uncontrollably.
LabCorp BW Results;
Test serum = 585 ng/dL (348-1197)
Test Free = 5.7 pg/mL (direct) (6.8-21.5)
PSA = 0.765 (0.0-4.0)
IGF-1 = 113 ng/mL (67-205)
GH = <0.1 ng/mL (0.0-10)
Sex HBG, serum = 71.2 nmo1/L (16.5-55.9)
My Dr. wants to put me on a SuperMan plan, he call's it, and I want to make sure I take what I NEED, not just what someone wants to sell me..
Here is what he first suggested;
Hoye's: Sermorelin Forte Plus 19.8 mg per vile (qty 3)
Hoye's: Testosterone Cyp/Ena(90/10)200mg/10ml (qty 1)
Hoye's: HCG 5,000 inj. (qty 2)
Hoye's: Anastrozole 1.0mg (qty 20)
Hoye's: Oxandrolone 50mg (troche) (qty 35)
Hoye's: LIV.52 180 ct (liver support) (qty 1
Hoye's: MIC-Combo Ultra Burn. 30ml (liver support/fat burner) (qty 1)
Total cost; $2641.90 w/syringes as well
After telling him I could not afford that right now he took off the Sermorelin Forte Plus for later. Hoye's is a pharmacist, in case you might wonder.
Opinions please and thanks...