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Thread: TRT Injection Schedule Advice

  1. #1

    Question TRT Injection Schedule Advice


    Had a T level of 279, then 190 for the second test (thanks to Coca-Cola).

    Been on TRT self-injections for 10 months now, love it!

    Started on 200mg every two number then went to 960. Went to 100mg/week, went up to 1279. My Dr. didn't like it so high, so I went to 80mg/week, that took it to 1049...higher than he likes, BUT he did not complain.

    To keep my options open, I told him I wanted to go back to 200mg every two weeks. So...I can:

    1. Do the actual 200mg/two weeks...that will leave me with greater fluctuation and low spots twice a month, BUT also give me higher peaks...mid point # will be in the 900's

    2. Do 100mg/week, that will get my mid point # back into the 1200's

    3. Do 80mg/week like I am now, that will get my mid point # in the 1000's, and I could bank some slowly, and do an actual mini-cycle once a I would have about 1040mg saved up each year.

    I don't have access to post-cycle supps like Clomid, and don't want to ask my Dr. He is cool, but covers his rear.

    Me: 50 yr old male, love lifting BUT I don't spend crazy time in the gym, but am consistent with workouts...just want to look great. Last 3 months, went low/no carb, 225g protein per day, weight dropped from 218 to 197 as of yesterday...super happy there.

    In the last 3 years, I have had both pec tendon repair (injury in 2012 from bad benching) and bicep tendon repair (injury in 2014, non-gym related), have recovered nicely from those. I do lighter weight now, more reps, and a 25 lbs plate under my rear for careful elbows-in benching.

    Thoughts on the 3 schedules I posted for best results, but also some safety from side effects? Which would you do?

    Thank you! -Bill

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    -For TRT you don't need anything called "post-cycle."
    -Are your blood tests the morning before your Test injection, they should be.
    -The preferred injection schedule is e3d, this will avoid troughs and spikes so you will experience stable blood levels.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Option #4. 50 mgs x 2 per week and check bloods in 4 weeks. Check them the day of injection but before injection, but in reality there's not much of a trough level on twice weekly protocols, thankfully.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    NC Highlands
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Option #4. 50 mgs x 2 per week and check bloods in 4 weeks. Check them the day of injection but before injection, but in reality there's not much of a trough level on twice weekly protocols, thankfully.
    So, uhhhh, option #4 is just a repeat of what I said? Go ME!

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    So, uhhhh, option #4 is just a repeat of what I said? Go ME!

    Absolutely go you!
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