My doctor did blood work back in may and told me my testosterone was normal range. I was still having syptoms of low T , so i decieded recently to get a copy of the blood work to see for myself. My total test was at 318 ng/dl. I went to see a urologist and showed him my level he immediatly recommened me to start trt.
He tested further to investigate but won't know the results until monday. My thing is i dont want to be stuck on trt my whole life.
I want to be able to try and get my levels up naturally before depending on a drug to survive.
Is there any realistic way to jump up 300 nd/gl by changing diet?
Is my body still producing testosterone?
(My dr said my testicles are normal sized and normal sized prostate) he thinks it can be brain causing low t levels.
My stats: 27yrs 185 lbs 5'8. 26% body fat.