I had a butt-load of blood-work done and it included a couple testosterone tests. They came back as
Testosterone, Serum (I think this is total) 214 ng/dL. Labcorp shows the good range as 264-916
Free Testosterone (Direct) 32.5 pg/mL. labcorp shows the good range as 6.8-21.5
I've been doing a lot of reading, but I have not yet understood what can lead to a low total T, but a high free T.
Can anyone help me understand?
Also, since free T is high, does that mean I dont need any more T in my life, or since the total is low I should add some?
I dont know how much it matters, but I'm 44, work out frequently, but am obese. All of my other blood-work came out good except low Vitamin D.
Sorry if this was covered elsewhere, I did some searching and reading but didn't see it.