Hey, all,
I’m about to go on a TRT protocol, and I’m a bit nervous as I feel like I’m going on a one way ticket here.
I’m 28, 5 10, 170lbs and around 10-12% bf.
I’ve used gear in the past, but I came off of it, several years ago, but I never seemed to fully “recover.”
I originally wanted to inquire about TRT because I couldn’t get morning wood, had next to zero sex drive, pre mature ejaculations and energy issues throughout the day, despite sleeping 8 hours and eating, what I consider, pretty damn healthy.
I got a blood test, to measure Test Serum, Free T (direct), LH, FSH and Estrodial
Test Serum - 537
Free T - 12
LH 1.9
FSH 2.7
Estrodial 25.4
I’m, obviously, not in internal meds here, but they seemed a bit low, relative to my age, and my symptoms aren’t exactly ideal.
I’m beyond looking to use “gear” for recreational purposes anymore; I just want to feel a bit better and more like a 28 year old.
This company that I’m going through approved me for TRT after the blood test. I spoke to a physician and he listed out the treatment plan.
I’m not doubting the fact that he’s a doctor, but I had a really bad vibe about the treatment plan as I felt that he described it as if he were prescribing a dose of Advil; so, I have some hesitation here because I don’t want to cause more harm than good.
My treatment plan, according to them goes as this:
200mg Test Cyp 1x per week
.5 Adex 1x per week (that seems odd, but I might be thinking in terms of an actual cycle here rather than TRT)
500iu HCG 2x per week
That’s the regiment. I’ve done cycles before; so, obviously, the lay out of a cycle is different from TRT, but after reading through the forms here about how TRT is widely misunderstood, I’m pretty concerned about my regiment. It’s all based off a hunch, but I’ve used this site, albeit a while ago, with much success, and I hope some experts, can help steer me in the right direction.
I’m happy to answer any more questions or post my full blood panel if needed.
Thanks, everyone