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Female new to Var, not your typical situation.

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by , 04-17-2018 at 06:00 AM (1613 Views)
I am 39, 5’4” and weigh 185. I am a very busy mother of 3 and an educator. I have worked out my whole life off and on and was an athlete when I was younger. I started Var two weeks ago (10mgs a day) and have only lost 5 pounds even though my diet has been on point. My muscles are definitely getting harder. I know I am not at the typical weight to start a cycle but I needed a boost to get me going. I feel strong at the gym and have been going 3-4 times a week for about 2 hours a time. This is the beginning of a long journey and I Look forward to my transformation. My question is, can Var prevent you from loosing weight? Am I silly for trying it before loosing the weight? I do gain muscle fairly easy. Thanks!!


  1. GearHeaded's Avatar
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    VAR is not a fat burner, its an Anabolic, its prescribed to help people gain weight or to keep from losing too much weight post surgery.

    for physique enhancement , its used primarily to help preserve muscle while dieting. IF weight loss is your main goal you should look into Clen and T3, and then having the VAR in there to just help you not lose too much muscle.

    your diet is going to dictate how much weight you lose
  2. Ashlee78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded
    VAR is not a fat burner, its an Anabolic, its prescribed to help people gain weight or to keep from losing too much weight post surgery.

    for physique enhancement , its used primarily to help preserve muscle while dieting. IF weight loss is your main goal you should look into Clen and T3, and then having the VAR in there to just help you not lose too much muscle.

    your diet is going to dictate how much weight you lose
    I do want to loose weight but I am looking to tone up and become more defined as well. I am debating stopping the Var and just working out/dieting until I am at my desired weight and start the Var again. I just honestly love the pump I get at the gym on the Var and it is a huge motivation to keep on going. I am slightly afraid to try Clen and T3 because I heard there are more side effects. I don’t have any major side effects on the Var.