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by , 02-20-2011 at 12:32 PM (682 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by Darc View Post
i am 26 years old, this is second time doing a cycle of test. Iam takeing 400mg a week of prop and was curious if i could stake a sustaplus 350 with it?. i was thinking of doing 4 weeks of the prop 400 mg a week and then continue on with the sustaplus for the rest of the 8 weeks at 400mg a week. any advise would be greatly appricated


  1. PT's Avatar
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    i assume the sustaplus is a mix of 3 different test esters and prop may very well be one of them. you need to find out exactly what is in the sustaplus and how much of each is in it.

    of course you can run the sust and prop together then drop the prop after week 4 but i would like to know if the sust is mainly long or short esters 1st