first time user for Dianabol and Winstrol, tips and advice be great!
Hi there
I am a 24 year old male who has played semi to professional rugby union, had many year experience in the gym and have also studied and passed a one year diploma in personal training.
Obviously training and nutrition is not at all new to me but my first cycle of steriods will be.
I'm thinking about using both Dianabol and Winstrol on a 6weeks cycle. I've heard many great things about this cycle and also many different opinions on how to go about this. I've done alot of research on this but am always interested to hear and learn more from other people. Specially for something like this! I intend to take both in the pill format and will eat arounf 5000 to 6000kls a day. Training every second day very heavy and also power spinting mixed in with it.
My weight is 91kgs, 180cm and my goals are to put on some good muscle and work on power abit as well.
My questions are are...
What are your recomendations for daily usage?
Other suppliments or nutritional benefits during the cycle?
Other suppliments or nutritional benefits for after the cycle?
Are these two steriods a good way to start off together?
Thanks heaps!