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Thread: Improtance of Abs

  1. #1

    Improtance of Abs

    Key to combat is trunk strength, abs are the center of which you must work them intensly. OfF strong trunk strength you can then build your form up. Form is increadibly important, even more so than whats in your pantz

    Use your **** jab, it's how you set up the POWER punch

  2. #2
    Don't train heavy bag more than 4 days a week like a dumb ass and get bursitis in your shoulder........ just a tip

  3. #3
    Complex carbo's are key in your pre training meal, if you don't like carbs your not getting into my pantz, I' mean read my name for ...... sake.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    u box?

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I did competitive kickboxing for 2 yrs

  7. #7
    Shadow boxing can be done slowly as a warm up before resistance training. After resistance training it is imperative that one mixes it up every other time, calisthenics some days, plyos some days, Road work some days both LDR, and Interval NOT on the same day
    Swimming will make you more manly so take your **** pantz off and get in, stop being a minnow

    All exercises should be done with concentrating on protection breathing and use of the abdomen

    Get out the medicine ball at least 2 twice a week or your going to get your ass beat, don't leve out rope work either

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I just started boxing a month or so ago... It's awesome! and I do martial arts!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    u seem to kno ur **** corn, whats your experience with boxing?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    all i do is hit the heavy bag and spare..its fun..i went from silver to golden gloves at 18..slacked off and im now getting back into never forget what you learn though..i train for the quik kill..ill hit the heavy bag as hard as i can each time i hit it with as much power i can till i cant raise my arms...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by barbarian
    all i do is hit the heavy bag and spare..its fun..i went from silver to golden gloves at 18..slacked off and im now getting back into never forget what you learn though..i train for the quik kill..ill hit the heavy bag as hard as i can each time i hit it with as much power i can till i cant raise my arms...

    We train the same way Bro - short and sweet is the way any street fight should be ! LOL

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    yea.. my trademark punch is the riseing left hook like joe fraizer..and belive me it kos all...mostly its me and my buddys sparing you cant really knock them out or they whine for a week..if you want a strong hook do speed barbell curls with lots of up to 175lbs for 12 reps so would be suprised what it can do for you...weighted punches will help your jab and straight right as well...

  13. #13
    its true form is incredibly important.
    but punches should not be the only weapon i prefer elbows and knees at close range

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by barbarian
    yea.. my trademark punch is the riseing left hook like joe fraizer..and belive me it kos all...mostly its me and my buddys sparing you cant really knock them out or they whine for a week..if you want a strong hook do speed barbell curls with lots of up to 175lbs for 12 reps so would be suprised what it can do for you...weighted punches will help your jab and straight right as well...

    Seriously, a good hook has absolutely nothing to do with arm power as your hook and its torgue should come off your legs and hips. Its hard to explain here, and if this forum gets busy I'll happily take some photos in training showing the proper techniques used in various hits, and why various combinations naturally follow each other etc.

    As for Abs, their very important however I think people mix them up with core body strenght, again I can take some photos of simple ways to improve core strenght without lifting weights. I've looked through my photos here and there's nothing to really show proper technique, again we'll see how the new forum goes but I'll get working on them pretty soon if you guys would like.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    land of the lost
    I boxed when I was really young. They closed the gym and there is nothing else around here. I would love to get back into it. I have my heavy bag and I work it allot. I love the sport. Bouncer I would love to see the pics. Please post them.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by Corn Bread
    Don't train heavy bag more than 4 days a week like a dumb ass and get bursitis in your shoulder........ just a tip
    ummm.... your wrong

    focus pads/heavy bag can be used everyday of the week (for kickboxers and boxers and MMA fighters), it's suggested that you switch up speed training and power training on the heavybag during the week

    all you need to win a fight is cardio/sparring time/technique training/viciousness

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by Corn Bread
    Key to combat is trunk strength, abs are the center of which you must work them intensly. OfF strong trunk strength you can then build your form up. Form is increadibly important, even more so than whats in your pantz

    Use your **** jab, it's how you set up the POWER punch
    hahaha trunk strength? no the key to combat is mental viciousness and cardio

    and power punch? you mean right cross? your talking like you've just started

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    ummm.... your wrong

    focus pads/heavy bag can be used everyday of the week (for kickboxers and boxers and MMA fighters), it's suggested that you switch up speed training and power training on the heavybag during the week

    all you need to win a fight is cardio/sparring time/technique training/viciousness

    I'm wrong hmmmm, well......

  19. #19
    Im hope you enjoy watching me on TV then you can keep being an EXPERT and talk about my fighting ability

  20. #20
    The last comment was directed twords GQ Bouncer

  21. #21
    Sorry, sorry I get pissed of to **** easily,

    Sorry man i ment nothing by it, its cool yes theres a lot of other components to boxing that i failed to mention, i just wanted to get a good thred started and the info. juice flowing. i'm going away for a while to compete, if im still around ill post some stuff if anyone really thinks it would benifit for info or anything

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Cool.. your on TV?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Personally, I think that technique and experience are most important factors. I guess it depends what you mean by combat. Nobody needs to train cardio for a streetfight. Conditioning only comes into play when opponents are somewhat evenly matched in a sport setting.

    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    hahaha trunk strength? no the key to combat is mental viciousness and cardio

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    the cold up nord
    Any fight past 60 seconds was a dance and both men were scared to put forth 100%. In a street fighting sence. On the block I don't waste time with hitting someone in body, first eyes/temple, then neck then balls. Kidneys fall far in the latter but will take someone down. No rules fighting is about confidence and skill, athletic ability is great for distracting the oponent and gives you more weapons wich never hurt but a knife hand to the eye will end everyfight everytime.
    Basic punching principles are this it starts in the toe. You should push with every muscle between the floor and your hand and alignthe radius and ulna with the middle and pointer finger bones. this alows for the maximum force appliead to the target. This is the basic str8 punch. Devistating and hard to see comming
    A shot to the eye or even bridge will at bare minimum blind them for a moment to use a so you can hit a more vital spot. Throat shot is an instant winner too, if u can't breath its hard to keep swinging.
    I've been in martial arts for 7 years and 3 different schools. I study theory and do a lot of work with bones and muscle operation. Trained a couple of students for a few months, but my schedual is too bizy. I also helped coach in my old highschools wrastlin' team for a year.
    This thread started off as something about abbs and for my 2 cents abbs are a slab of muscle used to stabilize and in fighting have to be able to take impact repeatedly. They are the most undefended part because your weapons(arms/legs) aren't in dirrect defence of these parts. They have to be trained to be tough as nails but play little part in offence more in defence and the ability to evade and hold ground.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Regina, Sask, Canada
    interesting thread....I joined boxing at the same time as Pal but our gym closed down for the summer... Bouncer i would luv to see those pics when you get some time.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Sweden / Spain
    I Boxed until i was 23 i had 4 pro fights. I had to quit because of injury.

    Key to being a fighter is having mental strength.

  27. #27
    I think cardio is very important in a street fight. If you are fighting someone that can grapple, then good luck trying to knock them out if they don't want to stand up and trade with you. If you can't last on the ground, then I'm gonna have you crying like a little girl, and there's no tapping out in the street. Also, a punch to the throat is not an easily executed attack, unless they're not expecting it.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    well, i think power is more important to a streetfight,

    having been in both the ring and a bouncer, the only real time you need cardio is when there is a group fight,

    of course this is just my humble opinion,

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Regina, Sask, Canada
    i'd think you would need cardio in the ring. Although i don't know from experience (yet) the simple fact that you do alot of dodging and moving around which are usally fast movements i think would require cardio.

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