a few years ago they were thinking of having this fight, but UFC couldnt pay Tyson more than 1 mill and he wanted like 20mill, you imagine how much they wouldve made on PPV buys??!?!??
a few years ago they were thinking of having this fight, but UFC couldnt pay Tyson more than 1 mill and he wanted like 20mill, you imagine how much they wouldve made on PPV buys??!?!??
TYson woulda won for sure.. the immense power.. if he connected in a punch LIGHTS OUT SHAMROCK haha
i could see both fighters winning:
if tyson connected with a punch (the gloves they wear arent that padded), shamrock would be done
if shamrock took him down it would be over
Shamrock would take him straight down as he knows he couldnt go punch for punch it wouldnt last 5 mins imo
Last edited by adamw1; 07-05-2004 at 12:12 PM.
my money would be on shamrock
shamrock easy - unless Tyson bit him
Shamrock wouldn't even see the punch that left him brain damaged.
maybe a couple of years ago, but not today. I guess it depends on what kind of fight it was.Originally Posted by BOUNCER
lets say both in thier prime, tyson vs spinks and shamrock vs gracie 2
umm didnt tyson end his career by knocking him out.But in his prime he was a good fighter but very awkward I think tyson would have beaten him then aswellOriginally Posted by nickrizz
i believe spinks didnt fight again.Originally Posted by adamw1
just checked, yes, tyson was his last fight spinks ended his career at 31-1 (21 KO)
As soon as they clinch and go down Tyson will be like a fish out of water.
Tyson either wins the fight in the first few seconds(punchers chance)or Shamrock would dominate Tyson as would most B and even C class MMA fighters.
You have to understand its the same thing as if you put boxing gloves on Shamrock and told him to box Tyson.Shamrock would get KOed in 5 seconds.
Now if Tyson(in his prime) had a year to prepare for a MMA fight,learned to avoid submissions and worked non stop on his sprawl,he would be one of the most dominating MMA fighters in the world.
who is this spinks guys?
michael spinks. he had the title and there was a huge buildup that the fight was going to be the one tyson couldnt win, and spinks was going to expose his weaknesses. they hyped it and hyped it. tyson knocked him out in i think 40 sec one of the worst beatings ever in boxing
I know ken is great on the ground and all but do you really think Mike wouldn't know what to do with all the street fights he has been in in the past. He would probably break the rules and get disqualified. I bet if he was in an ankle lock he would either take a chomp out of Ken or rip his testicles off.
bottom line: put me up against both of them and i'll come out on top... yea right
shamrock would beat that queer niggers ass
those 4ounce or less gloves on Tyson would mean instant death to anyone that recieves a full power blow to the head or body even!! The main problem with MMA is that although it is mainly known as a 'no-rules' sport..the truth is there are many many rules compared to any other fighting sport because the figthing options are so many! there are even situations wich are 'unknown' to the rules!
My point is how do you expect mike tyson to memorize and comprehend all those rules and more importantly follow all of them!! you try a toe-hold and he'll do the same except he'll bite your toes off!!
lol someone had to comment on tyson biting stuff off...actually more then 1 of you guys did... lol
i dont think tyson would win, it would be a great fight though, even today, they are both past prime but still very good for their age. when shamrock shoots in i dont think tyson would avoid it
Well with comments like this, forget Tyson, here's one guy who bite off more than he could chew!. BANNED.Originally Posted by IronHammer
good job bouncer those comments were uncalled for
tyson up, and tyson on the ground...to quick and mean...tyson wins!
Tyson's skill is in boxing, if it were a boxing match, Tyson would win as Shamrock is not a professional boxer.
However Shamrock's skill is in submission fighting, which Tyson would have no match in beating him.
Although I'm not a professional boxer, I'm a very experienced boxer and kickboxer and I can tell you (as I said earlier) Ken wouldn't see the punch that left him brain damaged. Forget fighting Mike on the ground or in a clinch, Ken would still have to come in Mikes boxing circle and I'm pretty sure he'd finish Ken off pretty easy. Might be my confidence as a boxer talking, but I could pretty much take a non boxer (right terminology?) apart PDQ.Originally Posted by dnj
tyson fighting anyone without boxing gloves on is suicide for the other person plain and simple guys
ive only seen a couple clips of some tyson fights and even less shamrock fights but i would hope shamrock would win...i mean tyson bit someones ear off (ive never actually seen the clip).... but may the best man win
if they fought
i believe shamrock would keep him away with kicks and then drop him with a takedown, after that it would be over, unless tyson connects
It's all about the size of the fight in the dog. Both of those guys are some of the meanest mfers you'll ever see in the ring.
well put it this way, i wouldnt want to fight either one of them.
dittoOriginally Posted by nickrizz
A guy I work with is a hard core tyson fan and would probably kiss his ass if given the chance. He was telling me one day that when tyson was at the zoo he offered the guide 20,000 to let him in the silverback gorilla cage and punch it. I laughed my ass off, then he went on and on about how the gorilla didn't stand a chance. Here are the stats:
Mike tyson VS Silverback gorilla
5'11" 5'7"
reach: 71" reach: 100"+
weight: 225 weight: 410
Who would win? Considering the gorilla thought tyson was intruding or something.
Gorilla by rear naked choke.![]()
Its funny to see that anybody would believe that Tyson would win.The ONLY way Tyson would win is if he got that lucky shot in on Shamrock.Other than that it would be a one sided fight.Tyson dont hit no harder than Tank's ass does and surely he dont even have the few grappling skills that Tank does have, and we all know how tank stacks up against the caliber of fighters today......oh wait he dont!He is strong though...benches 600 lbs.......now dont get me wrong Tyson is tough but he is far from a MMA fighter.Tyson wins in boxing ring against Shamrock-Shamrock wins in Octagon against Tyson....
i wasn't going to post here, but...TYSON HITS TO HARDER THAN TANK DOES? is that what you just said?
because i think you didn't, i think it's just a VERY complex spelling mistake.
Tyson if its boxing....Shamrock in no holds...only if Shamrock could get past the first flurry of fists..and that wicked upper cut...hed have to get him to the ground fast..if Tyson catches him with even half a punch..it could be devastating for Shamrock...
on the flip side could you imagine Tyson in a submission hold??
Last edited by dynamike; 07-11-2004 at 05:50 PM.
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