hurricane - pardon me for the long response, i hadn't checked back on this threat in a while
I don't claim to be a martial artist, however, i've been in several fights, and have trained in martial arts and kickboxing, and your position on evasion doesn't work in any kind of serious security work - and i'm not talking about loss prevention, surveillance or rent-a-cop work, i'm talking about protective services, bouncing etc.
Make sure you remember as well, that most police ARE NOT martial artists, give a kickboxer a uniform and police training, what do you think he would do if he were outright attacked by someone? assuming he didn't have his ASP baton, pepperspray, firearm and tazor gun, i'm sure he'd go back to his roots
pain compliance holds only work if you outnumber your opponent, which police often do, knockouts/knockdowns are a better way to go
also, just because your a blackbelt in anything, don't think that your better than the person who's attacking you, i've met street-thugs who are brilliant untrained fighters that would hold themselves much better than anyone who has the pHD in karate
I believe we have diffrent experiences and views on life, mabey i'm just being a young dumb punk, but were all friends here, and i don't want you to feel that i'm flaming you or anything bro,