hey, does anyone know training tips to improve boxing speed?
the only one i know is
a - elastic-shadowboxing
and b - verbal punching (?) (it's where your trainer says "go" and you punch, it suppose to be a mind-body thing
hey, does anyone know training tips to improve boxing speed?
the only one i know is
a - elastic-shadowboxing
and b - verbal punching (?) (it's where your trainer says "go" and you punch, it suppose to be a mind-body thing
hey dude,
yeah i know a few, however im a kickboxer and use mostly for speed and power. try get your self some sho lin monk rings made of steel these rings go on your wrist and as you work out they add like a weight the more weight you add and the more punches you preform the faster your hands and more power youll have when you take them off get me??
" Shut up and Train"!!!!!
Hand speed=speed ball. Combination speed= training partner on focus pads (if he can use them properly) and for power nothing beats the heavy bag.
nobody uses a speed bag anymore, i love them
i was told by my training, that the speed bag is used for rythem and timing + hand eye coordination not as much for actual speed
Without hand/eye co-ordination speed is just flailing about uselessly in a 'John Wayne' brawl.Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
Originally Posted by DaYwAlKr
do you have a problem with the rings moving forward and hitting your hand when you are at the end of your punch? i was going to buy some but the padded wrist weights that i use now hurt bad enough when they slide forward.
just swing around a 10 pound free weight like i do...
i have a bull**** theory i came up with when doing weighted punches, would like some of your opinions. i'm not good at explaining so bear with me here...
i think if one were to train using weighted punches more than a raw punch a regular basis it would change the mechanics of your raw unweighted punch and hinder your accuracy. do you guys think that overtraining on weighted punches will eventually cause your raw punch to have a "rising" (striking higher than intended) effect due to the muscles being trained to compensate for the extra weight?
never thought of that b22md. how about the ball that is connected to the ceiling and to the floor, i cant work that one for my life
the double end connected ball almost cost me my elbows several times...i always miss the second or third punch and then its...owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
putting wieghts on your hands will only improve your endurance of your shoulders/tricept to keep your hands up, in order to have a harder punch, you don't need bigger muscles, you need a mind body connection
strengthening your body core will make your punches harder than strengthening your arms
training the hands for speed is really not the idea of "speed"...first off what are you really training them for?
1. just to hit?
2. or to react?
the latter is what everyone should be training for...out see your opponent and you will have speed....
1.the basic, childs game, hot hands game....
2. throw a tennis ball with one and towards a wall, close your eyes as you do it and when you hear the ball hit the wall open your eyes and find the ball quickly and catch it with the same hand you threw it with...do that 10 times and then do it again using the other hand, ect.
3. with your eyes close, let a friend throw the ball, and yell out go, as he does that you open your eyes , quickly locate the ball and catch it.
there are vast variety of excercises one can find, to see and use speed....
seeing speed trains the body to react faster....causing you to throw faster, move faster, the fast twitch muscle is working,
no, what your talking about is "timing"
doesnt power for punches mainly come from your leg areaOriginally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
timing....is that not a sub-level of speed?....
speed is not just a fist flying across point a to point b....it can go deeper than that.....
timing, evading, parrying, countering...all involves speed....
No, power from punching mainly comes from you back, your legs are involed a little in the torque
I thought "speed" was in question...not power.
Now if you want to talk about power, the most important part of "power" is the SNAP. Right after it penetrates the target....
And yes you speak of proper foundation to throw a Powered punch...but its the snap that pronouces the punch.....
Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
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