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Thread: Some questions about Muy Thai/BJJ...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Some questions about Muy Thai/BJJ...

    Hey my question is this.. I want to start of training in Muy Thai Kickboxing and Brazillian Ju Jitsu. Just something to pass the time. I have a few questions for some of you who already had a chance to do this.

    1. Is it something easy to pick up for a total novice to martial arts? Or should i start with something else and move on to this?
    2. How many times a week should i be taking classes?
    3. What is the price range for classes?
    4. How long does it take to really start enjoying the classes?
    5. Anything else that I should know before hand?

    Also is anyone here from NYC that takes classes? Maybe we can hook up and train together or something hit me up..

  2. #2
    I'd really suggest focusing on one of the two to start off. Keep in mind that a job (or school) and lifting plus a serious martial arts training regimen will be very tough to maintain w/o compromising the other aspects. recovery is tough enough with lifting alone. Time will be reduced and nutrition will need to be increased to compensate for the added expenditure of calories, and that's not nitpicking if you're serious.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Determine what you want to get out of it before you start training.

    1.) It's like learning anything new, some people learn faster others learn more slowly. If you have a high school wrestling background BJJ will likely come very easily to you, whereas a wrestling background won't make a lick of difference in Kickboxing, save for understanding ranges.

    2.) Depends on how physically demending they are and, like einstein said, what else you have on your plate. I would not bother unless you have a minimum of 3 hours a week to attend classes. In the beginning anyway.

    3.) BJJ usually relatively expensive compared to other MA. If money is an issue hook up with wrestling at your college or find a Judo dojo. If striking is what you want to do boxing is dirt cheap in most places.

    4.) Depends. Personality and motivation (like your internal reason(s) for doing it) have a lot to do with that.

    Find USFighter over on bigdog, he can help you find a good dojo in the NYC area.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    Hey my question is this.. I want to start of training in Muy Thai Kickboxing and Brazillian Ju Jitsu. Just something to pass the time. I have a few questions for some of you who already had a chance to do this.

    1. Is it something easy to pick up for a total novice to martial arts? Or should i start with something else and move on to this?
    2. How many times a week should i be taking classes?
    3. What is the price range for classes?
    4. How long does it take to really start enjoying the classes?
    5. Anything else that I should know before hand?

    Also is anyone here from NYC that takes classes? Maybe we can hook up and train together or something hit me up..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thanks guys for your replies.. I attend college 20 hours/4days (mon-thurs) a week trying to obtain a Nuclear Med Tech degree, I also work 3 nights a week (thurs-sun) from 12 am to 8 am. I lift 4 times a week and usually when I work, I hit the gym for an hour at my job since we have a very nice new gym. My classes are from 4pm to 10pm more or less... So I was thinking of just throwing in 3-5 hours during the weekend or so of training.. Being that I don't have any experience as far as any wrestling/fighting goes I'm thinking of picking up Muy Thai since there’s a school near me... I really don't think I have too much on my plate being that last year I worked full time and attended school, pulling of a 3.6, which is mediocre in my field of study. Therefore, I'm still going to give it some consideration, but once again thank you for your replies.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Sounds like you got your hands full , I wish I was that driven of a person.

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