Ive always been interested in boxing. Now that Ive learned alot more about nutrition and working out and im more pleased with my physique I want to explore getting into some sort of training program to box. First id like to see how much i like it, then think about some small competitions.
The only reason I pick boxing over other arts is that ive always just had a thing for boxing. I really have no interest in learning any fighting technique for street fights because;
1) I think its BS to use your training to beat the crap outta some drunk guy that doesnt even know he is starting crap
2)The handful of streetfights ive been involved in for the past year really wouldnt of mattered if someone was trained or not. Its a street fight, no rules, ive never been on the losing side of one and that is because we know there are no rules and we are not going to lose. So we have always rushed in after the first punch was thrown and pummeled anyone in the fighting area.
Regardless, I do not like to be involved in streetfights unless they are totally necessary, and I do not want to rely on trained fighting to beat some regular persons @ss. My desire to box is strictly for the sporting fun.
Im alittle under 6'3, 200lbs, 12-13% bf.
Now that I have explained my situation and my stats, here are my questions:
1) I live in a big city where Im sure I can find alot of boxing trainers, what kind of things should I look for though, both from the trainer and the organization itself?
2) I workout 5 days a week (lifting/cardio, etc). How many days does a person usually train with a coach at first?
3) What is an average price I can expect to pay for this training, once again I live in a big city where im sure boxing organizations are plentiful.
Thanks for answering my questions guys,