Until about the 90's people thought that well trained
martial artists could kick the ass out of anyone...
They also took martial arts that lost its sense of purpose like
Judo, Traditional Jiu Jitsu, Traditional Karate to be superior in every way (due to films like Karate Kid and "Jean Claude van Damme flicks" etc. also other Media-hypes and "Word of Mouth").
The truth is that these sports are useless since they extremely rarely are useful in real-life situations (Judo; you can only hold on to clothes, Karate Kata's are more dancerythyms then fighting etc.!).
So since MMA-events peoples' opinions started to change --> When they put a sort non-trained Harley Davidson Roughneck (the likes of Tank Abbot)
of 300 pounds against Title-bearing, Years Training, Judo Black Belts, the last one would get KO'd in like one minute...
(Also the myths of Karate Kata's being individual and rythmic being explained like this "The moves the heads of the Old Chinese Family's knew were so deadly and effective that they were only practiced "in air" thus indidual and so overtime became more emphesizing the "Rythmic Part" are also proven to be non-true!!)
Remember and tell it to all the ignorant "Movies and Video-games" believing Karate/Judo Enthousiasts once and for all!
No Matter What They say!!
No 60 year old 120 pound man (like the ones in video-games) no matter how well trained and respected can ever beat a 200 pound angry Medium or Low-skilled Boxer/Kickboxer/roughneck etc...
(I know it sounds cruel but I always enjoy a so called "Skilled" Black Belt Karate/Judo Man "acting all tough" in bars/discos until he gets his ass kicked by someone of similar size who never was trained in his live!!

The best Martial Arts to learn are the ones that take good aspects from every sport and combine them
--> Usually only taking moves that are effective and easy to utilize
(so not like in Judo or JJ doing 40 steps exact to get a throw

even when angered on streets...
The ones that combine Kickboxing with Groundwork and keep in mind that Streetcorners are real hard and get you KO'd easily if thrown on them
(So the many Judo moves of throwing yourself to get your opponent out of balance end up horribely for the "Skilled Party"

Or the ones that keep in mind that streetpavements aren't as soft as Mats in gyms

and that your opponent unlike your trainingpartner won't be so willing to cooperate (like helping in making him/her fall etc..) in a certain hold!!

Also the ones that teach you to use available objects like Snooker-Sticks or Beerbottles in Bars etc.
And the ones that say "Don't go against more than 3 people unless you have to" and don't be ashamed "To run away if overwhelmed or Outcrowded"
(He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day!!)
Many of the Traditional sports have lost their sense of reality ages ago, mainly the reason why they are called TRADITIONAL Martial Arts!
Pancrasse Hybride Boxing and the like are your best bets if you want to learn streetfighting...