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Thread: Looks like Mike Tyson is trying to back out of fighting in K1...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Looks like Mike Tyson is trying to back out of fighting in K1...

    The following piece appeared in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin (article by Jerry Campany):

    Mike Tyson's proposed fight in Hawaii may end up being contested where so many of Tyson's other fights have been held -- in the court room.

    Shelly Finkel, Tyson's adviser, told the Star-Bulletin yesterday that as far as he is concerned, there is no contract between his fighter and K-1, a mixed martial arts group that proposed a boxing match between Tyson and Jerome Le Banner to the Hawaii state boxing commission this month.

    "They breached the contract, we are not fighting in Hawaii," Finkel said.

    Because the contract prohibits any of the participants from talking about it, Finkel declined to say what the specific breach was other than to say submitting a K-1 fighter as a prospective opponent was out of line.

    Finkel has changed his stance since last week when he told the Star-Bulletin that the contract would be honored as long as a suitable opponent was brought before him.

    K-1 president Scott Coker, who has a contract signed by Tyson for his comeback fight, is not going down without a fight, though.

    "He (Finkel) is greatly mistaken," Coker said. "If anyone breached the contract, it is Mike. We still have Sept. 11 and are going forward. We are not going to walk away from this."

    But a contract fight may not be Coker's only problem. Forcing Tyson to do something he doesn't want to do is another one.

    During a press conference for Tyson's upcoming bout against Danny Williams in Louisville on July 30, the former champion said that he chose Kentucky for its ease of obtaining a license. Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher has since announced that he will restructure his commission for the way it handled licensing Tyson without a hearing.

    "No one asked me anything here," Tyson said. "I wasn't willing to go through any hearings. If so, I wouldn't have (fought) here."

    Alan Taniguchi, Executive Officer of the Hawaii State Boxing Commission, has held firm in his stance that Tyson would be welcome in Hawaii only if he passes a physical and appears before the commission.

    Finkel confirmed that Tyson would "probably not" fight in Hawaii if he had to face the commission, but added that the prospect of a Tyson bout in Hawaii is nothing more than speculation.

    "It's irrelevant," Finkel said. "Unless another group comes up with an event in Hawaii, Mike will not fight there."

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Tysons afraid he's gonna get his a$$ kicked!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    Tysons afraid he's gonna get his a$$ kicked!
    Yup, he's out of his element,...

  4. #4
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    A multifaceted fighter will take him apart, all they gotta go is get a take down and it's over.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    i guarantee he never ever fights in K-1, he wants the heavyweight boxing title again he has no interest in MMA

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Yeah, plus the money in K1 is nothing compared to Boxing...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    the money tyson is paid for championship fights cant compare to anything in any sport for 1 days work

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickrizz
    the money tyson is paid for championship fights cant compare to anything in any sport for 1 days work
    I couldn't imagine what a 20 million dollar payout feels like...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    seriously, and some fights are for 30 seconds

  10. #10
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    Agreed the paycheck is bigger for the heavyweight title, but if Tyson thought he was the baddest man in the world he would go in there and knock them out in 30 seconds and make 150-200k. He's scared of losing because he will.

  11. #11
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    i think he is a nut, and im not sure he is scared, but im sure shelly finkel will never allow him in that ring, plus he would loose

  12. #12
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    He's been scared ever since he got his a$$ knocked out in Japan IMO.

  13. #13
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    by buster douglas?

  14. #14
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    Yup. He was never tha same after that, that's when he started losing it.

  15. #15
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    i think when he fought razor ruddock after douglas everyone knew it was over

  16. #16
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    Yeah it's kinda sad, I saw a special on ESPN they showed him when he was an up an commer he was humble and respectful. That's before Angelo Dundee his manager and father figure died. Then Don King got his grubby hands on him and he lost his long time trainer (can't remember his name). And he just got exploited, he may be a great boxer but he is probably in the Forrest Gump or lower category on the IQ side. Now he's a has been piece of trash. What a waste.

  17. #17
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    he never fought with angelo dundee. you must be thinking of cus damato

  18. #18
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    You are correct I had a feeling that was wrong. I knew it was an old timer.

  19. #19
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    yea damato took a raw kid and made him the youngest heavyweight champ ever

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    look beyond what you see
    ...yeah... actually just so we can keep current on reality here

    Tyson has been doing MMA training for awhile, and he WANTS to fight to get out of debt, i saw him on the news awhile ago, the guy looks like he's in really good shape, he'll beat lebanner no problem (and i'm a big fan of lebanner)

    Tyson has been training with ALOT of big time dudes, including tito ortiz

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Tyson has lost in a street fight his nemisis..Mitch "blood" Greene..last time was up in Harlem...Mitch and him go way back...he was a scrub body bag pro..but took it to Tyson in the street...Im pretty sure it was twice...Greeene had a hell of a shiner but so didi Tyson...i heard stories it was a hell of a fight...

  22. #22
    That guy was wearing a black jacket right it was in a back street he pushed Tyson into the wall a few times??

    If your talking about that fight then you must be kidding yourself Tyson killed him, the dude pushed Tyson around for a couple of minutes, when Tyson landed a punch he didnt get back up in BOTH fights, where did you hear all this?

    Tyson did have a shiner but Greene's face was gone, did you see the **** plaster he had on his jaw, it nearly covered half his face, it wasnt even a fight, Greene nearly died.

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