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Thread: Fighters weight, gaining and losing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Upon Arrival

    Fighters weight, gaining and losing

    This might be the wrong place to post if it is, sorry.....
    Anyways, if you juice and gain weight and maintain it for a period of time and then have to drop it to fight in a lighter division....
    lets say you get up to 200lbs and have to go down to at least 160-170 to fight, is this generaly bad for the ones health? to fluctuate ones weight rapidly?
    Not that I juice...or anything....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    How long do you have to drop that weight? If you were 200lbs and you were 25%body fat then i think you can easily diet, do lots of cardio and drop to 185lbs and be very lean and clean! But if you are lean at 200lbs then droping to 170 or 160 is basically going on an anorexic diet and loosing all muslce and lean mass!! That means you will lose the results of juicing and also lose all your strength. Bad idea!! I like fighting in lighter weight divisions because it hurts less when you fight lightwer people and because i used to be heavier i got used to the heavier hitters, so when i fight in lighter weights i feel all the strikes that connect on me are very weak.
    I always read abotu fighters that drop up to 15lbs for a weigh in, they can use diuretics and stuff to drop that water weight just to weigh in, and then have an entire day to replenish themselves. For me personally 15lbs is too much to drop...i am at about 14%bf all year around and before a fight i just increase my cardio and i dont eat the day before the weigh in and i'm usually down to 11%bf. So i dont drop too much weight because i dotn carry too much water/fat to begin with.

    If you weigh in the same day as the fight/tournament then its a bad idea to try to cut weight or make a very light weight because a few hours is not enough to recover, you will b every tired and feel horrible fighting. If i compete and the weigh ins are right before the fights then i just go in as i am, i dont drop anything, someone having 3-4pounds on you shoulndt be an excuse to lose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    North Jersey
    i think it has a lot to do with bodyweight also. and the amount of time it will take to drop the weight

  4. #4
    I walk around about 175 and fight at 160.... If I have time to drop, I feel like HEMan (strong/Fast/Stamina)... On the other hand, last year, at the International Grappling Championships, I was 7 pounds heavy the night before the tourn... I sat in the sauna all night and drooped the weight, then after the morning weigh-in I drank peidiolight and water hoping to get some fluid back... During the matches I didn't Gas, but I felt mentally drained and lathargic... I was not as sharp. As a result I ended up taking only Bronze in Gi and no Gi, against guys I know I could crush!~ so be carefull dropping to quick!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    North Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by hurricanejujitsu
    During the matches I didn't Gas, but I felt mentally drained and lathargic... I was not as sharp.
    same thing happened to me, i got slammed and fractured 2 ribs

  6. #6
    **** bro... But I bet, if your like me, your back to it!!! Learned a good leson tho eh?
    Next time ill just fight up. After watching the 161-178 class I think the real compitition is at 160 anyway guys like me who can bench 350 and still move like a cat! lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i got slammed once...really wias like slow motion when it happened to the time all i wanted to do was try to get him into my gaurd and keep going so i didnt feel anything with all the hype and adrenaline...but after the fight i felt my ribs hurt on my back...they didnt break maybe because of the way i fell but they sure were sore for 10days.
    And then i was back int he game again!

  8. #8
    You got slammed from your guard? There is a simple tecnique to defend this! you may know this now but... open your guard and put both knees into his stomach/chest (leggs together), push your hips forward, and pull his arms... this creates a barr against his own body, that nomatter how strong he it he cant lift you.

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