Anyone familiar with Krav Maga? It is supposed to be a Martial Art specifically designed for self-defense against the American criminal whether he is armed or not. I am thinking about trying this out.
Anyone familiar with Krav Maga? It is supposed to be a Martial Art specifically designed for self-defense against the American criminal whether he is armed or not. I am thinking about trying this out.
**** like that is gay. if you find somebody that really knows aikido it is agood martial art to learn, fast learning, easily applied, designed to work around weapons, etc.
trust me, i've been doing martial arts since i was 3 and my family owns acadamies up and down the east
Vermont Martial Arts
Greenwich Martial Arts
Gulf Coast Aikido
Vermont Sport and Fitness
Triad Fitness center
the Triad Fitness Center is world famous isn't it?
yes it turned into a franchise opportunity. The original Triad Fitness Center is in manchester, VT! It is now currently managed by one of my fathers students, John Bottomms!
nice custom title btw,,,, "iron cell scientist"![]()
lozgod the best place to better your fighting skills is in "the yard" you know that![]()
Yeah but you can't drop 5 pound plates in a pillow case on the street. They just aren't that readily available.Originally Posted by craneboy
For what I would assume Loz would want out of a MA, Aikido is not the way to go IMO. Give Krav Maga a rip, you will probably find it is what you are looking for.
Originally Posted by Lozgod
Defend against a criminal?
an actual career criminal understands the art of street fighting better than any krav maga instructor/student will ever understand in his entire lifetime
Loz in't the BIATCH SLAP one of the most famous of ghetto martial arts moves? LOL
This is retarted. IMO you are confusing sociopathtic behavior with toughness. Unless you are or plan on engaging in streetfights for practice, the only thing you have is simulation on a mat or ring.
Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
Well from what I understand Krav Maga is supposed to prepare you for street situations. i.e. Someone holding you up at gunpoint, while 10 years ago it would be better to not defend yourself because they would take your money and spare your life, but now they take your money and your life so it is better to make an attempt to defend yourself.Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
if you want a real powerful martial art try xing i, chen tai chi.
i've seen 80 chinese year old chen stylists in hong kong crack the 3 foot pillars that support the ceilings in an airport. keep in mind the man was roughly 130 pounds.the only way i would fvck with him is from 300 yards away
with my .338 ultramag!
I totally agree with this man....aikido is a good art. and so is any form of t'ai chi (t'ai chi chuan is what I am more familiar to)...but, they are for the truly have to start real young....and believe what is taught...Originally Posted by angelxterminator
he says he started at around 3 that is about is a life time art. but powerful.....
i looked into Krav Maga I was under the impression that it was developed by the Israeli Defense Department as their hand to hand combat method with the intent on quickly and successfully disarming an opponent or escaping an opponent. I still would like to try it someday. ..
Originally Posted by chicamahomico
I agree...
you misunderstand meOriginally Posted by chicamahomico
What i'm talking about is necessity -
Police, Correctional Officers, CPP, rent-a-cop security, bouncers, repomen, debt collectors, drug dealers, armoured vehicle services etc. all have violence in there workplace
get past all the sillyness of being a "toughguy", i've taken years of self-defence, none which could have prepared me for my first streetfight.
what i was trying to say, is krav maga WON'T work in most street situations, if you want to feel safe, take a boxing or kickboxing classes and learn the chokehold and you'll be safe - don't waste your time learning moves that won't work, spend your hours hitting a bag not learning the diffrence between the S armbar and a straight armbar
Krav Maga has been bastardized by self-defence enthusiasts, the military, like all militaries teach there guys throat punches and simple handgun/rifle disarments, Krav Maga was designed to quickly teach troops SIMPLE hand-to-hand techniques
LG, I've heard that Krav Maga is pretty good, deadly at times. I don't know for sure though I work for a company that is based out of israel and alot of the guy here were in there military and know some of .
Myself, I was taking Thai-Jitsu which is a hybrid, of Muai-Thai Kickboxing, BJJ, Boxing, submission wrestling(grappling). And we would use street situations in our classes. I loved it! The guy that own's the gym fought in the cage, and some of the others that train there are pretty bad assed (the one guy fought Dan Severn to a tie)...anyways, watching these guys go at it is just sick! the mix is enough to confuse most of the martial arts.
You have so many martial arts and everyone's is "better than yours!" personally, I'd say if you know bits of most and concentrate on one you'll hold up well. or just hit em' in the throat and watch them cry! Works for me.
I disagree, Krav Maga will work in the street against an untrained assailant. Where it wont't work, is against a trained fighter.
Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
krav maga won't work against anyone who can intelligently defend themselves
untrained assailants don't maticioulsy scheme up ambushes, and if there going to attack you, if often more than one
sorry, self-defence and modern krav maga are for 110 pound women who want the delusion of being safe
krav maga is the combat technique used by the israeli defense force. it is an exceptional martial art and probably one of the best techniques ever to deal with real life situations. akido is a good art aswell but deffinately not as pratical in real world combat situations as krav maga. lots of akido techniques are based on the opponent wearing a gee or some type of loose clothing. where as krav maga have hundreds of techniques used for specific situations. ex:multiple oponent ground fighting, multiple opponent standing, disarming a person with a bat, gun, knife. i don't know bout you but i'd rather know how to take a gun from someone and turn it back on them rather than how to throw someone by holding onto their gee. Krav maga shows what to do and exactly when to do it. unlike many other martial arts that just teach you to punch kick, or throw and you must impliment then as you see fit. GQ please know your sh_it b4 you knock it.Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
You are absolutely right. I believe their philosophy is that a confrontation should last no longer than 6 seconds.Originally Posted by RATM
As far as the other martial arts they are designed for fighting situations, like RATM said Krav Maga is for disarming opponets and forcing them to submit.
first of all, krav maga isn't a martial art, it's a self defenceOriginally Posted by armwrestler22
(i've taken 4 years of self defence
how many streetfights have you been in? probably not to many - a common misconception is that you HAVE to learn thousands of these "fail proof" techniques to get out of these seemingly violent situations - the biggest joke is all these ground self defence situations, tell me how effective the triangle choke would be on the ground? i'm sure not as effective as the punting kick that his buddies will do to your head
the fact is, you only need to know how to throw a punch/kick and the chokehold, and possible some arrest and control tactics if you have a violent job - the rest is up to your mentality, the willingness to cause violence, the deception plan while you initiate violence etc.
i disarmed a gunman at our nightclub, the gun wasn't pointed at me, but it was still pretty easy, all you have to do is grab the upper-reciever (which is the only thing you can grab) and point it away from you, and than just make up sh_it from there
having said all that - I am playing the devil's advocate / Krav Maga and most other self defence schools would be the premier style to take if you have to deal with violence often
actually i've been in quite a lot of street fights and i also went to state three years in a row for high school wrestling(@215lbs), and have been studying BJJ for the past year. so i would say that i can deffinately hold my own and know a good amount about what works well in a street fight. the whole principal behind krav maga is to disarm and/or disable your opponent as fast as possible. There are not thousands of fail proof techniques either. almost all of the disarming techniques associated with krav maga start in a very similar manner and just depened on how lethal the weapon is you are trying to take from your opponenet. also no technique is fail proof, i don't know where you pulled that idea from, but all defense techniques are only as effective as the person excecuting the moves. krav maga is used simply to take an ordinary non-trained israeli soldier and make him/her able to protect and defend themselves and as deadly as possible in the shortest amount of time, ie: boot camp. These techniques focus more on every day situations then most other forms of defense do and are easier to learn without allready having harnessed the fundamental skills of a martial art. all i am saying is that krav maga is very effective, not hard to learn and very practicle in real life. you can punch kick and choke all you want but if some dude pulls out a bat and tries to beat you with it. it would be more effective to disarm the immediate threat first(the bat) before proceeding to punch kick and choke him to death. and what do you do if a guy pulls a little .38 pistol on you. your hand is to big to grab the receiver without getting shot in the hand. if you can only get a couple fingers on the receiver surely a person with moderate strength could pull the gun back out of your grasp, i would think it would be better to attack the hands at this point. but anyway, i digress, and too each his own and i hope you are always successful at taking guns away from enemies. just note that specific techniques for certain situations( basis of krav maga) can be more effective then just punches kicks and chokes at certain times. someone can box me all they want and wear me down by hitting me in the face, but a little ridgehand to the throat does wonders instantly, even against the largest of opponents. -peace-Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
this debate could go on forever,
so i'll say this - In My Opinion
Boxing students hit eachother - hard. all the time. Boxing gyms ussually stink with sweat, the heavybags are taped up from all the marks put in it, the boxers themselves are either big with a little fat on them, or ripped. the learn to hit hard, fast and have the cardio to do it many times.
now, you don't have to believe me, because after all this is the internet, but i remember one time, there was a guy, about 180 pounds, 5'11 mabey, I had kicked him out earlier in the night, and he waited for me as i got off work and went to my car, all the bouncers leave together ussually to meet up somewhere and hang out, he came up to me, and started spewing the regular BS " you think your real tough? " and all that kind of garbadge, than he flashed a knife he had in his hand - looking back on it i doubt he had any use for it past trying to scare me - but regardless, i got him talking and then *BOOM* i one punched him, he was out cold. now i still have the knife here at home, but it's a good example of what i'm trying to say.
krav maga students have a bunch of matts on the ground, mostly with middle-aged women who want some form of excersize or social outlet, mabey 3 of them have been in an actual fight. and they always continually are told how tough they are.
I've taken both self defense and boxing classes, and from my experiences, a sport like boxing will have you better able to defend yourself than self defence classes
and don't get me wrong, I certainly can get my ass kicked, and of course i'm taking my own advice, but than again i'm a young guy, i might just be spewing out crap
either way, thank you for your opinion
Boxing is a sport.
Boxers do not hit each other hard, it's controlled. Or else all fighters will have so much damage to their body that their career is over before it even started. Boxers spar.
Self defense is as it states to defend... one should not look for a fight. but, defend one's self in a fight.
All arts are good. It is "you" who is predetermines the outcome...
controlled? if by controlled you mean they try to kill eachother, yeah they are controlled
boxers spar with head gear and 16-18 oz gloves, they hit eachother as hard as they can while sparring
the best way to defend your self is to attack before they do - in my opinion
Nuff said.
It is a matter of what you want out of your MA... What works for sport Compitition is not necessarily what works in the Street! I Am a Brown belt in Judo/Brazilian JJ/and Traditional Jujitsu, I also practice MuyTai, Sambo, Capoeira,Boxing... I have tought class for the Police Depatment of New Orleans, and sourrounding areas. (rough Steets)
One things for sure you do not want to be rolling around on the ground in the streets, If your apponents friends dont tee off on your head, the germs (heppititus,HIV) that got ito your blood from scraping your arm will defeat you in the long run weather you win the fight or not! Now thats not to say you have to strike at all, It is actuly better in public to control your opponent and take him to the ground. Contradiction you say? NO) In traditional Jujitsu or small circle Jujitsu one learns to use joint locks, throws and chokes from standing or on the ground, to immobilize and control attackers! like the COPs do! Ever see Old Steven Segal movies? (that is Jujitsu not Aikido, Aikidos is a much larger circle and no strikes) If you want a truly Rounded MA look into JUJITSU in your area. If the teacher is good you will learn all the ground work of BJJ aswell (Newasa)_ and strikes like muytai.
Krav Maga is a Israelie take off of Jujitsu... Not a very technical one at that. Still it has been used in Israel where they have been at war for ever! it is more realistic than many styles!
What about thug-jitsu? I heard that is the number 1 martial art practiced in the ghetto...
Krav maga is great.
For someone that has that background in martial arts, this is quite nonsense (no flame, just criticism!).Originally Posted by angelxterminator
Until about the 90's people thought that well trained martial artists could kick the ass out of anyone...
They also took martial arts that lost its sense of purpose like
Judo, Traditional Jiu Jitsu, Traditional Karate to be superior in every way (due to films like Karate Kid and "Jean Claude van Damme flicks" etc. also other Media-hypes and "Word of Mouth").
The truth is that these sports are useless since they extremely rarely are useful in real-life situations (Judo; you can only hold on to clothes, Karate Kata's are more dancerythyms then fighting etc.!).
So since MMA-events peoples' opinions started to change --> When they put a sort non-trained Harley Davidson Roughneck (the likes of Tank Abbot)
of 300 pounds against Title-bearing, Years Training, Judo Black Belts, the last one would get KO'd in like one minute...
(Also the myths of Karate Kata's being individual and rythmic being explained like this "The moves the heads of the Old Chinese Family's knew were so deadly and effective that they were only practiced "in air" thus indidual and so overtime became more emphesizing the "Rythmic Part" are also proven to be non-true!!)
Remember and tell it to all the ignorant "Movies and Video-games" believing Karate/Judo Enthousiasts once and for all!
No Matter What They say!!
No 60 year old 120 pound man (like the ones in video-games) no matter how well trained and respected can ever beat a 200 pound angry Medium or Low-skilled Boxer/Kickboxer/roughneck etc...
(I know it sounds cruel but I always enjoy a so called "Skilled" Black Belt Karate/Judo Man "acting all tough" in bars/discos until he gets his ass kicked by someone of similar size who never was trained in his live!!)
The best Martial Arts to learn are the ones that take good aspects from every sport and combine them
--> Usually only taking moves that are effective and easy to utilize
(so not like in Judo or JJ doing 40 steps exact to get a throw)
even when angered on streets...
The ones that combine Kickboxing with Groundwork and keep in mind that Streetcorners are real hard and get you KO'd easily if thrown on them
(So the many Judo moves of throwing yourself to get your opponent out of balance end up horribely for the "Skilled Party")
Or the ones that keep in mind that streetpavements aren't as soft as Mats in gymsand that your opponent unlike your trainingpartner won't be so willing to cooperate (like helping in making him/her fall etc..) in a certain hold!!
Also the ones that teach you to use available objects like Snooker-Sticks or Beerbottles in Bars etc.
And the ones that say "Don't go against more than 3 people unless you have to" and don't be ashamed "To run away if overwhelmed or Outcrowded"
(He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day!!)
Many of the Traditional sports have lost their sense of reality ages ago, mainly the reason why they are called TRADITIONAL Martial Arts!
Pancrasse Hybride Boxing and the like are your best bets if you want to learn streetfighting...
Last edited by kingofmasters; 08-11-2004 at 08:24 PM.
King of masters" lol ... I have practiced Judo/Jujitsu over 15 years and I have dropped alot of assholes on their head, in the street, most of them just wiggle a little and there out, some try to stumble to there feet , one even threw up! That being said, Judo is not a self defense martial art it is a sport, so is brazilian JJ... Real Jujitsu on the otherhand is what the Navyseals, Swatt teams, Streetcrimes units and secret service practice... It is as real as it gets for hand to hand. Given, nobody has eyes on the back of there head, so anyone can be succker punched. On the other hand come at me with a bottle or a bat or a nife, and ill stick it up your ass after i break your arm and bounce your head on the groud (period). "Three people" we practice that in class everyday, so im not gonna freak out when it happens, and it has! If the odds get any worse, either my cold steel tanto, or my SIG 380 will even the odds! -Do some reasearch> You just got flamed by a "Newbee"... IM in south beach if youd like a demonstration!
Terrible childish that South Beach demonstration!Originally Posted by hurricanejujitsu
And no I did not get flamed by you!
YOU CLAIM to have done all that, good for you!
Now go back to building bricks or fingerpainting or whatever it is some-one with your IQ does...
Ever heard of Penis-compensation? --> When you have a real small one or are really sexually unsatisfied you brag about all sorts of things especially Fighting!!
And you can't deny MMA tournaments -->
Judo and Karate players always get their asses kicked (if that is also the style they demonstrate in that competetion!!)
Is it a coincidence that Bas Rutten, Frank Shamrock and Ken Shamrock all do a form of Pancrasse Hybride Boxing?
Vanderlei Silva and Rickson Gracie do BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU;
"Normal Jiu-jitsu" is almost identical to JUDO, and police train in Jiu-Jitsu but specialized units like Navy Seals, and Infiltration Units get
"Hand to Hand-combat"-training (which is similar to Pancrasse as well!).
I've trained with Jiu-Jitsu fighters and frankly the knife avoiding techniques are a laugh (especially the crossing hands thing and the turning upward off hands thing!! --> No way would that work on a 300 lbs dude!!)
The ones that are effective are also taken up in those new Mixed Mode styles I mentioned...
And one more thing (as we had encountered this before with some other user)
IF you are coming to this board to BRAG ABOUT YOU FIGHTING AND WINNING etc. then please GO AWAY!!
(you probably are a pimpelfaced dateless kid trying to create an Internet-persona).
Also I was considered one of the best Dutch amateur talents in Pancrasse and Thai-boxing of my years and even I (nor the many great famous fighters!!) have ever claimed to have won all my fights or BRAG about damage I have done to another human being (You should be ashamed of it !!!).
Oh yeah and you flaming me --> That would require an IQ above 30.
You are the weakest Link; Goodbye!!
Obviously you are confusing MMA and real street defense, What works in MMA and pancrase does not nesisarly work in the street. You are the one who started the JudoGuy fighting in the lounge ****.... I am telling you I know what works because I have experienced it...And the bit about "hand to hand training" ,it is Jujitsu, I know for a fact, I have tought at several police academys, AND BY THE WAY I HAVE TRAINED WITH FRANK SHAMROCK just before his UFC victory in New Orleans where he dropped that russian on his head... and not to say that hes not a bad ass but,what he does is sport. As for your (Pancrase and Mixxed styles) They derive from Traditional JJ, a parent art that spawned all subbmissions, throws, compliance tec, karate, judo, aikido, sambo, kickboxing, and Bjj... Its funny how it is now comming full circle and back to "fully rounded styles"
One things for sure you do not want to be rolling around on the ground in the streets, If your apponents friends dont tee off on your head, the germs (heppititus,HIV) that got ito your blood from scraping your arm will defeat you in the long run weather you win the fight or not! Now thats not to say you have to strike at all, It is actuly better in public to control your opponent and take him to the ground. Not everyone has the power to knock out a huge attacker... add crack or PCP to the equation and try to knock them out with Boxing, I don't care how "Hybred" it aint happining...........compliance holds and Chokes are the way to go in the street. When is the last time you saw a police officer kickboxing someone or putting them in the "guard? lol
If you are truly defending yourself then you should have no problem handling the avrage angry attacker, given you keep a level head... Now if your out looking for a fight, sooner or later, your gonna get your ass handed to you by some little guy. Spiritualy thats how things work. I have been that little guy for many-a- bully!
If you are a true Martial artist then at the point that you have to physicaly defend your self you have faild. Your senses and keeness to peoples bodylanguge and intent should alert you if something is up" Then you should evade the situation, or position yourself or your subject out of harms way. If you are cought off guard, your sleeping!oh by the way...Pancrasse Hybride Boxing is a fight organization spawned from shootfighting, not a style in and of itself!
Last edited by hurricanejujitsu; 08-12-2004 at 12:30 PM.
As for the childish crap about : ("you probably are a pimpelfaced dateless kid trying to create an Internet-persona").(Ever heard of Penis-compensation? --> When you have a real small one or are really sexually unsatisfied you brag about all sorts of things especially Fighting!!) and (Oh yeah and you flaming me --> That would require an IQ above 30.)
I am a Neuro Muscular Specialist, and NHB/Selfdefense Instructor and My wife is a Hawian Tropic Model... ID say Im satisfied, and Intelegent. PM me and Ill send you links to some of my International Jujisu/Judo wins, World Open San Shao, and Pro NHB wins.
I'm not trying to argue with you, just have a good debate.
I see what you are saying but I look at it from the flip side. IMO, Krav Maga will work against anyone who cannot intellegently attck you.
Yeah they do, sucker punches come to mind....dunno about your bar but my bar is sucker punch city.Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
Agreed. There is a lot of this but what can you really say about it except that places which are not sport oriented can only really sell their thing to women if they call it self defense. How many times you see a Tae-Kwon-Do ad in the paper saying something like 'Great for fitness, great for self defense, great for kids, great for women, fun for the whole family blah, blah, blah.' It's the nature of a high turnover business.Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
While I do not know very much about MMA, I have recently started to take a local Krav Maga course which is why I am following this post. You maliciously flamed KOM and even called him out per se' in this thread when he did nothing to you. That is something that is not tolerated on this board and will quickly get you banned by a mod no matter how many international Judo competitions or MMA fights you have won. For someone who is a "neuro muscular specialist" and therefore "intelegent" (which is how you spelled it), intentionally flaming and provoking a respected member was indeed childish, immature, and unwarranted.
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