I pay $150 a month and i can only go 3 times a week for 40 min at a time, i think its too much money and want to get out of the contract what do you guys think
I pay $150 a month and i can only go 3 times a week for 40 min at a time, i think its too much money and want to get out of the contract what do you guys think
is it a jiu jitsu only school? because thats roughly how much all the gracie-machado ring of schools charge for jiu jitsu training. I personally left at purple belt because i wasnt interested in learning advanced-gi techniques and paying that much money for it, i wanted to improve my no-gi and no holds barred so i joined a team specific to that, for much cheaper.
I'd pay that but only if it was an option for me to go 4 or 5 times a week and definately for more than 40 minutes...Right now I pay $85 a month and train in a school with 2 brown belts and a ton of lower level guys. Quite a few with cage fights as well...
yes, Its tooooo much for what your getting for it....
i thought it was too much.... the teachers are great but most students think they are ufc fighters and they are fat 40 year olds
Hey..whats wrong with fat 40 year olds? Not that I am one or anything. Well, I am forty seven.....and I guess I am a little fa...Never mind!
get outta there, 150$ is WAY to much
train with a professional gym, most of them are open 6 days a week with the option of training 2-3 times a day (to either 1 hour or 1 1/2 hours)
these gyms teach boxing, jujitsu, kickboxing and pankration
yeah bro, in my opinion, i'd get outta there
i have to try to get out i signed a contract for the year which is going to kill me
u must seek the masta...Bruce Leeroy is the 1 u seek.
Too Much... Try searching the US jujitsu federation website for better dojos in your area! When I started years ago it was 45 a month for three, two hour classes a week...
Now it has gone up to 65. In my opinion most "name brand" Jujitsu schools are way over priced and they withhold alot of knowledge to keep you comming, and PAYING! Find a great instructor with a hole in the wall dojo, that teaches for the love of it! Trust me theyre out there and some of these guys have 25 years exper, and multiple Black Belts! Just because a teacher is old or out of shape dosn't mean he cant convey knoledge, and really break down tecniques... look for a strong group of high/mid ranking students... Often times you learn more from the advanced students than from the teacher himself!
I pay $90.10 unlimited (Gracie Barra).
I train in a European gym.
(only muay thai)
We train 3 times a week for a monthly fee of 22,50 Euro. (20 $)
In my opinion a gym that offers you 6 days a week practise
(fitness & other sports) should as a reasonable 60 - 70 $ a month.
yea what i pay is outragious
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