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Thread: fightsport magazine...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...

    fightsport magazine...

    Anyone else here subscribe to this? I like it alot of better than grappling magazine but then again I follow MMA...I ordered it online since it's so **** hard to find in any of the stores...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    ON the MAT
    Yes, two years I had this mag only problem is this year i havin got one copy(yes i paid) I think there having some trouble but its a good mag.....

  3. #3
    Good mag, I always look for it at B and Nobel... Guess I should subscribe....
    You guys get "Tatame" from brazil, It is the best Jujitsu/NHB mag.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I am an experienced competitive bodybuilder and have considerable experience training other bodybuilders. My most recent clients have been NHB fighters. I am finding it more rewarding than working with bodybuilders. So many fighters are confused about nutrition and supplements because of bodybuildings influence. Getting a fighter ready offers much more chalanges for me than merely getting someone to look good. Most bodybuilding contests boor me because the work is already done. Even a small-time fight in the Indian Reservation gets me excited when I have a guy fighting. The recent hybrid of ground/submission skills with striking ability has improved martial arts by leaps and bounds. The next leap is coming as fighters learn to incorperate performance nutrition/supplementation to the growing arsenal.
    Any fighters interested in info, e-mail me. My clients identitys are confidential, with the exception of a few ametures who have authorized me to use them as referrals.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    IMA, welcome to the board, please stick around. You sound like someone who'll be more than welcome here.

    Iron, Grappling mag is a complete joke. I've never read the other one, but if Grappling is anything like other American mags you can keep it. I've bought grappling for my son in the past, he likes it for some reason (he's 12). The Ads in it are pure sad man!.

    I try to keep up with the scene online. Unfortunetly we've little or no MMA coverage on TV here in Ireland and England.

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