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Thread: UFC 49: Unfinished Business Results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    North Jersey

    UFC 49: Unfinished Business Results

    Here it is:

    Belfort vs. Couture III
    Couture winner by doctor stoppage (cut) durring break after round 3
    Couture calls out Wrandeleli after fight to unify titles.
    Wrand gets in ring and agrees

    Liddell vs. White
    Liddell by KO

    For other results of the other matches just ask

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Karo Prysian won decision vs Nick Diaz
    Chris Lytle submitted Ronald Jhun
    Joe Riggs taps Joe Doerkson (strikes)
    Yves Edwards KO Josh Thomson
    Justin Eilers KO Mike Kyle

    Thanks Nickrizz , did you go to the UFC? i remember you guys planning meeting up there? i saw it on TV an dit was awesome...very good hard-hitting action ...Yves Edwards flying roundhouse was awesome...awesome..only he could pull that off..

    I really think the events are geter better and better....i was surprized chick lidell gassed out a little...he's usually in great shape.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    thanks guys, i used to watch everyone but havent in a while. but thanks for the results

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    It was much better than I thought it would be, some great knockouts. Vitor looked horrible, he couldn't get off the fence or throw any good punches the entire time. I think the cut was from an un intentional headbutt but it looked that he would have lost anyway. There was soooo much blood squirting out that even one of the announcers said there was some that shot on his note pad. One of the cameras at one point had blood on it.

    Anyway, great fights and can't wait to see some clips on the internet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    North Jersey
    no i didnt go, im going to the next one in Atlantic City, i live in nj

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Here's a link to a vidoe of ufc 49 knockouts (right click - save as):

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    ON the MAT
    Just got be form the ufc it was pretty good

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    thanks for the video scottp999, i agree that vitor was loosing regardless of the cut he was gassed and getting pounded good by randy..he went for a few very fast armbars wich showed more effort than tito and chick did from the downed position..but still vitor was definetly a dissapointment.....Rnady is the best..i dont think chuck could beat him if they faught again because Randy has mastered the art fo closing the distance on strikers..and then its Randy time!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    was thoroughly disappointed by the vitor-couture fight...loved that roundhouse by yves...although i don't care for his "thug jitsu" mentality...thought the fight between prysian and diaz was a true show of jui jitsu skill...can't wait to see wrandelei and captain america go at a laugh out of tito's METZGER IS MY BI TCH shirt...although my true support wil always be with the lion's den...xxxSass

  10. #10
    Caro P.... Is the ****! My prediction, He will be champ! He is still a baby in MMA, but he has years of training in Martial arts, more than most of todays MMA fighters... Not to mention he is Gene Labells boy. Nick Diez's Jujitsu is slick, and he couldn't submitt Caro, that says alot! About Yeve E., he might call his systen thugjitsu, but dont be fooled he is super tecnical and fights in the moment with a clear, calm head... I have met him, and he is a super cool, nice guy, I fight in the same weight class, and issued a friendly challange, to see if i could rile him, he responded like a true M.artist, not a thug.
    What can i say about Coture... He is a Juggernought! Who can stop his takedowns? Wand will sucumb to the same punishment! Personaly I want to see more Caro Parysian and more Diez, more BJ penn (tho it seems thats out).... More skill more tecnique, less muscle!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    FWIW, I think Couture is just awesome. I mean the dude is stepping in their with guys a whole lot younger than him and he is just flat out destroying them. But, I also think Belfort gave a sh*t effort, then again its hard to do a lot when Randy brings it to the ground with him on top!! I was some what suprised to see David Terrell shut the lights out on Linland that quickly. I thought what Chuck said after his fight was kinda funny. I mean he was hitting Vernon w/ some solid shots and home boy just would not lay down. All in all was not a bad card!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    North Jersey
    randy vs. silva is going to be unbelievable

  13. #13
    think about it....Belfort is living the good life now, wife pregnant, no longer hungry, I think he got lazy in his trainig, he looked it! Still, that dosn't take anything away from the hart and Spirit, of a 40+ year old that can still spank anyone in the world, literally! Amazing

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    yeah, belfort is all screwed up on jesus right now, he's got to get the hunger back

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