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Thread: What kind of weight routine when training MMA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    What kind of weight routine when training MMA

    I need something to allow me to train in MMA as well as keep my mass. What do you guys suggest. I work and its tough to train both in a day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I know exactly what your saying man, its hard to keep/gain mass when you are constantly training hard in stand-up and grappling....what i do man is work more on the technique instead of cardio-stamina. When grappling its ok to drill techniques and roll for rounds and rounds...but with stand-up just train at your own pace and focus on cobinations and strength/strategy instead of cardio/stamina.
    My point is if you want to gain mass or maintain it then make sure you lower your cardio and maintain you food/protein intake. This will keep you bulking until there is a fight coming up then you can start upping your cardio wich will help you get in shape for the fight and also cut up so you can look good for the fight.

    You can train both weights and fighting on the same day provided you do them several hours apart so you can get some rest and recovery.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I really dont have the luxury to do that. I considered a 3 day routine I posted in the weightraining forum. It was pretty intense. Then I can train at least 3 days of mma

  4. #4
    Bro, I train MMA 5-6 days/week. The perfect method is the very simple

    Mon: Back-Tris
    Wed: Chest-Bis
    Fri: Shoulders-Legs

    You get enough rest because you have so many off days, and you do not allow yourself to overtrain. I was lifting 5 days a week and it was killing my muscles. This has allowed me to keep growing. Trust me, and good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    No simple answer.

    Quote Originally Posted by kboxer
    I need something to allow me to train in MMA as well as keep my mass. What do you guys suggest. I work and its tough to train both in a day.
    I am a competitive NPC bodybuilder who has recently been working with competitors in various combat sports. I see two major problems with fighters.
    One problem is they follow bodybuilding training/supplementation regimines. The other problem, which is finaly starting to fade, is starvation and total avoidance of resistance training. I still see it in High Scholl Wrestling. It must suck to drop all that weight just to get your ass kicked by a smaller guy due to a fatigued, starved body. I have been able to use my knowledge gained from bodybuilding to help fighters. The training/nutrition/supplementation will be totally different than a bodybuilding program. However, the same physiological laws apply to bodybuilders ans MMA. I have helped clients to drop weight classes without muscle loss! I have a few tricks to allow clients to make weight yet replenish what is lost by fight time. A Jujitsu client of mine had endured severe joint pain due to submissions and misguided nutrition/supplementation. His next match is 5 weeks away and his pain is totaly gone due to some relatively simple alterations to his program. If you are interested in help contact me throught my website website is geared toward bodybuilding but you can at least see I am for real) It is impossible to answer your question without more info. Don't get scared off my my rates, I'll give you info for free and if it helps you can consider my services in the future.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Yeah. it's tough trainin MMA and trying to gain or KEEP mass. I did a few shootfights awhile back, and training for them was nothing less than Basically, the hormonal environment for muscle growth is crappy in a fighters body. Lots of cortisol. Basically, what you have to do, is make as many strengh gains as you can. I did power lifting at that time. I still made some progress, but it would have been nice if i had access to more juice, to even out the anabolic/catbolic balance.
    I did a cycle of sustanon a few years ago at that time, and i didn't gain more than 5 pounds of muscle. Granted it was in 7 weeks or so, but i just think how much more i coulda gained if i wasn't doin 3 hours of wrestling and submissions and an hour of kickboxing 6 days a week. I ate sufficiant food for growth though. I easily obtained 500 grams of protein a day, and prolly around 600 carbs. So, when i juice again I'll do sust, as i had no sides, and I think i should gain 20 pounds of muscle. Prolly 35 pounds altogether cuz the first time I also gained 25 pounds but alot of soft stuff. I prolly gained that fat from my carbs being so high. I was using twinlab weightgainer 2500 and everything.
    Anyway, stay heavy, stay brief, and don't do alota reps, like 5 or 6 max. This will still give your sytem stimulation without burning out. Minimize overtraining is the name of the game. Take at least 2 protein shakes a day at 60 grams or more, in addition to 7 other real meals. Eat aton of eggs also. They are one of the best protiens and they are easy to digest, so you won't have to worry about training on a full stomach if you train after that meal. Eggs digest very easily. I was even told that by a colon hydrotherapist as well, but found it to be true myself. And your training partners won't have to worry about egg farts from you either. After awhile of eating eggs at least once a day(i eat them 3 times a day or more) something happens and you get no egg farts anymore. So the best way to make yourself not stinky, is to load up and blast your system with eggs. I used to get egg farts all the time when i would eat them just once a week. Hell, i'd kill people in highschool!Dam near emptied out a classsroom once! But after massive amounts everyday for awhile, my body does not get stinky from eggs.
    You can be more liberal with carbs since your training is so hard, so eating high GI carbs a few times a day in addition to your yams and oatmeal won't kill ya. I would also go nuts on your day off that you don't do jujitsu, or whatever your rest/cheat day is. Put your cheat day on your biggest rest day and eat like a horse. Kill a box of donuts if you want or go to IHOP for breakfast. Go to a chinese buffet and kick ass. And double up on your shakes as well. It will help your recovery.
    I am in total agreement with IMA as he made a good point as to how fuccked up and stupid some of these fighters are, starving themselves to lose weight etc etc, and yes I think and have always thought, even in highschool that the world of wrestling and fighting and bodybuilding can work synergistically. I was the only wrestler on my team in highschool that had any fucckin clue as to what he was doin.

    Kboxer how often are you training? do you have to make weight for any competitions?
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 08-26-2004 at 04:15 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    No I never starve myself. I eat like a horse. That is some awesome advice though. Defenitely. Right now maybe 2x a week in ju jitsu/kickboxing. No I dont need to make any weight. Right now I am training to advance, no fights just yet. I weigh in at 235 and I love having my strength. I know ju jitsu is all technique, maybe a mental advantage. My instructor says it is tough to submit me which makes me feel good. In the end though his technique always defeats my strength. I just didnt want to lose any muscle. My training sessions are not so intense as a fighters would be. I want to do a 30 min session after my weights and mma days that will be cardio. And eat like a horse. You guys are great. Thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i would cut back any other cardio you are doin since the MMA training is so taxing. Usually classes run1-2 hours. Does he let you train for just ahalf hour?

    How much deca do you use? How often do you juice? You may want to increase the deca or equipose as they build tendons and joints, and use glucosamnie and chrondroten and calcium in two or three times the recomended dose. Joint injuries suck. However, even a 100mg a week dose of deca does wonders for recovery even from surgery. My training partner tor his ACL and did 10 weeks of deca and the doctor was amazed at his recovery. But i wouldn't do any juicing cylces without deca if i were you. Heck, even now i wouldn't. Joint injuries suck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    No juuice now. Come off a few weeks ago and kept all my gains. Class runs 2 hrs. I can definetely eat enough. it is finding something thta can really stimulate me in 3 sessions a week

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    What is your purpose in MMA trainin? To compete, fight NHB, or get a cardio workout? Are you prepearing for a bb contest?

    How often do you do the 2 hour classes?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    dont pack on too much muscle,..dont wanna slow your speed down,....

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