Hey guys! Great board. I haven't been posting here but I have been keeping up with the posts for a few months now. One of the best boards out there. Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone else has done Krav Maga. It's an Israeli Defense Force martial art. Actually, I wouldn't call it a martial art, it's more of a street fighting style. I know it's taught to many police officers and state troopers around the country. I have been doing it for about 5 or 6 months now and it's amazing. I did sambo in Russia when I was younger and actually trained at the same gym as Fedor and his brother. I live in Chicago now and my instructor is straight off the boat from Romania. This guy is nuts and pushes us like noone else had ever pushed me before. I was 230lb when I first started 6 months ago and now I'm a lean 205. That's the only thing I hate about doing this sport, the fact that I'm losing a lot of weight and strength, but at the same time I move faster and quicker than ever before. This sport also covers everything from standup to ground/submission. Today I found out what it feels like to get knocked out by a kick to the head. I give props to all of those who fight CroCop, cause I was out for a good 5 min. Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone else does this and what have you guys been doing to put on some weight and keep the strength while also training. I know there have been many posts on how to train martial arts and at the same time put on good solid mass, but I actually want to compete sooner or later and just wanted to get your guys input on how to go about putting on lean mass, yet continuing strong at krav maga. I have never juiced yet, but was thinking about primo, var, eq, and test. Not all at once, but those are my top choices for least sides and lean gains. Thanx for your guys' inputs.