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Thread: Gatorade after boxing workout

  1. #1

    Gatorade after boxing workout

    Lets say I, due to job and other stuff etc., have to train/spar in boxing late at night. My training sessions would get over with at around 9:30 pm. I than plan on drinking a small bottle of gatorade to replenish my fluids and to get some carbs in me. Than when I get home I have my bedtime shake at around 10:30 pm which consists of 55 g of protein with a tbsp of flax.

    Is that ok? Or should I get another pro/carb meal in me before my bedtime shake?

    Is the gatorade enough for me right when I get done boxing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    San Diego
    Yea, thats good.. Lots of water right after your work out.. is key... But Gatorade is ok... Take your muliti vitamins before you go to bed (for a good recovery)......

  3. #3
    I always thought multi's were to be taken in the morning?

    And another thing, I will be drinking PLENTY of water when I'm done training, I just thought the gatorade would be good to drink as well to replinish the carbs and sodium.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    San Diego
    Well it depends on the person, I have always taking my multi's before I went to sleep, my trainer says with the combination of rest it speeds up your recovery as opposed to taking it in the mourning, My trainer also said if you can try to stay away from gatorade because of all that salt thats in it...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I would just drink H20 and throw some oats in that shake. I take 2 multi's a day also.

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