Is this a good 2 day a week lifting program for an amateur boxer? I'm 24 years old 6' 220. Anyway here is the workout I plan on doing if I start boxing again:
Mon Day 1
Dumbell Bench Press
Rear rotator cuff exercise
Front rotator cuff exercise
4 way neck machine
Fri Day 3
Seated dumbell shrugs
Seated cable rows
Wide grip lat pulldowns
Upper and lower abs and obliques I would be doing three times a week in my boxing workout.
Deads I will do 5 sets, reps of 6,5,4,3 and one last set until failure all while increasing the weight each set.The neck machine I will do 5 sets of 10 all while increasing the weight each set. For my rotator cuff exercises I will do 3 sets, reps of 15,12, and one last set until failure all while increasing the weight each set. All other exercises will be 5 sets, reps of 10,8,6,4 and one last set until failure all while increasing the weight each set.
I know this is only 2 days a week but if I start boxing again I won't have the time or energy (because of boxing,work,etc.) to do more.
Well how's it look?