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Thread: Was told don't need roadwork?

  1. #1

    Was told don't need roadwork?

    Ok, here's a question I was discussing with a coworker today. My coworker is a personal trainer and used to wrestle competitively in college (not a major school or anything). I told him I used to box amateurs and that I used to hate running because I would always get shin splints and that all the running I did burned alot of my muscle and not to mention the fact that even with the running my stamina was always sub-par.

    He suggested that running 5 days a week while boxing was foolish because I was already getting enough conditioning from my boxing workouts (sparring,bag work, mitt work, jump roping,etc.). He said that I was probably overtrained and that's why my stamina was lacking. He also said that the running was killing my legs, knees, and feet thus hampering me in the ring.

    He also said that sprinting 2 days a week would be more beneficial than running long distances 5 days a week for a number of reasons. He said that it would build your fast twitch muscle fibers better, that it would strengthen your legs and abs better, that because it was an anaerobic exercise it would burn fat instead of muscle, that it would take a FAR less toll on your feet, knees, and shin splints, that it would help you get into far better "fight" condition, and that seeing your only doing it 2 days a week you would still have enough energy to devote 100% into your boxing workouts. He also said to only weight train twice a week and to only do abs three times a week (in addition to my 5 days of boxing training). He said that if I do this I will be in MUCH better condition and I will have more energy and be more explosive. He also asked me to look at marathon runners and sprinters and asked "who do you think would be in better condition to fight a 3 rounds of 3 minutes amateur boxing match?" Ofcourse I said sprinters.

    He is NOT the first person that told me this? So what do you guys think? Should I ditch the long distance running for sprints? Is sprinting 2 days a week enough? Should I bump it to 3? Cut it to 1? Please help me.
    Last edited by Aggression; 09-21-2004 at 07:30 PM.

  2. #2
    This guy is absolutely right!! As a boxer you will hardly ever jump in the ring and go at one pace for a whole round, so there is no sense in running that way all the time. You need explosive power! The one thing I do have to disagree with is him saying that you don't need any distance running at all. You should do atleast one night or morning (whichever) of distance running. Not extended distances but like 30 minuetes at a good pace.

    When I first started training I had to build a base and my trainer told me not even to consider sprint work until I could run a constant 7 min mile pace for 30 mins. Once I reached that goal for stamina purposes then I began sprint training. Boxing is more anareobic than it is areobic, so you have to train that way.

    I highly recommend that you read "The Boxers Guide to Performance Enhancment" by Ross Enamait. It is By far the best book I've read on Boxing Trainging. It covers everything basics,roadwork,strength training,nutrition and diet, and more! You can find it at

  3. #3
    1 more thing you must be eating enough complex carbs to fuel you for the day or you will become tired very quickly.

    BTW Ross alos has some great forums over there with very knowledgable people to answer questions like this.

  4. #4
    How many days a week do you recomend sprinting? And at what distances (40 yds? 50 yds? 10 yds?) and how many is a good number to start at (5,10?)

    Also, my shin splints KILL when I do long distance running. They don't when I do sprints.

    Could I be a successful amateur boxer with just doing sprints and NO mile work?
    Last edited by Aggression; 09-21-2004 at 09:06 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Aggression
    How many days a week do you recomend sprinting? And at what distances (40 yds? 50 yds? 10 yds?) and how many is a good number to start at (5,10?)?
    If you are not training for a fight you should do 1 or 2 days a week tops . Sprint training is very demanding of the body so don't underestimate the amount of exercise you are getting from short sessions.

    I usually run at a track while sprint training unless I'm doing hill sprints. I usually do 100 meter sprints, which I belive is about 109 yards or something. After I sprint though I either run backwards to the start line and go again right away or jog right back to the start line and go again right away for sets of 10. usually 1 0r 2 sets will do fine. Make sure if you do more than 1 set you give yourself a good amount of time to rest. To mix it up you can also do hill sprints on a steep hill that is atleast 50 meters long. mixing it up will keep you from gettin bored. I wouldn't recommend sprints and then hill sprints in 1 work out!

    When training for a fight there are lots of other ways to mix it up aswell, but it does include some distance running but with sprints thrown in.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aggression
    Could I be a successful amateur boxer with just doing sprints and NO mile work?
    Probably because the boxing training (jump rope, mits, shadow boxing, ect.) will help you with your areobic stamina, but I would recomend that if you can't run then you jump on a exercise bike or eliptical machine or somethin like that and do atleast 1 0r 2 days a week of that for about 30 mins.
    Last edited by THA GONZ; 09-22-2004 at 10:17 AM.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Read my post a few days ago on "endurance training."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    San Diego
    I do sprints 3 days out of the week with one day long distance... The day I do my long distance training I run up hills, its better on my knees

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Bugtussell, Arkansas
    Howdy Aggression,

    Are your fights only 3-3minute rounds? Back in the "Day", our matches were atlest 6 rounds, and most pro bouts were a min. of 12 and most went 15 rounds.

    With 12 to 15 round bouts, you need alot of road work or you simply run out of steam before the end of the bout. With 3 rounds, it's not a big deal. Concerntrate on speed and power like you trainer says.


  10. #10
    I've never boxed, but for as MMA fighting goes, sprinting is the best for conditioning. You can run 5 miles a day, and not be in shape to fight long. With the fast pace, then slow pace, then fast, etc., you need to run sprints atleast 3 times a week. The best sprints is to find a 50 yard hill. Sprinting uphill for 50 yards at full pace will get you in fighting shape. Do it about three times a day for atleast three days of the week. Sprint full pace uphill, then walk back down catching your breath. When you get to the bottom, turn around and sprint full pace again. Don't pause when you get to the bottom. Just turn around and do it two more times. I've had 16 MMA fights, and I swear by this.

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