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Thread: Want to do a cage fight....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state

    Want to do a cage fight....

    i was wondering how i would go about finding a coach to coach me for a cage fight or someting like that. i was challenged by my girlfriend and some friends. they said i wouldnt do it, and i want to. ive only been in a few fights, but destroyed the guys i fought. what type of gym or martial arts place do i lok for in my area?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    thanks bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    How soon u wanna do it? i recomend training hard first but that doesnt necessarliy mean several years....beacuse there are many amateur events that invite people even at beginners level.
    My advice on training would be focus on grappling (ground work) and conditioning. You want to be able to apply submissions and escape them, and u dont want to gas out at all. Striking is important but i personally have faught NHB and think its secondary in importance because the standup in a cage fight is never accurate or paced out like in a kickboxing or boxing fight, in a cage fight its usually some fast innacurate swings and then its clinch and down u go.....

    Like MMA said u need to find u a MMA school or gym, but since thats not popular everywhere u can look for a brazilian jiu jitsu school for your ground work, and a boxing gym wich are usually very cheap to join for your standup game.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    How soon u wanna do it? i recomend training hard first but that doesnt necessarliy mean several years....beacuse there are many amateur events that invite people even at beginners level.
    My advice on training would be focus on grappling (ground work) and conditioning. You want to be able to apply submissions and escape them, and u dont want to gas out at all. Striking is important but i personally have faught NHB and think its secondary in importance because the standup in a cage fight is never accurate or paced out like in a kickboxing or boxing fight, in a cage fight its usually some fast innacurate swings and then its clinch and down u go.....

    Like MMA said u need to find u a MMA school or gym, but since thats not popular everywhere u can look for a brazilian jiu jitsu school for your ground work, and a boxing gym wich are usually very cheap to join for your standup game.

    thanks for the advice bro.

    i know alittle bit about grappling. one of my buddies that use to live here did that **** and i he would alays **** with me cause i was a wrestler and the strongest of all our friends. i figured i would have to train about 8 months or so, which isnt a problem to me. i didnt want to jump right into it, and my cardio needd work bad so i figure that is a good time frame

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    go on or and ask about a quality MMA school in your area. try to get a school that specializes in MMA, or you're going to be at a big disadvantage fighting against guys who do train at genuine MMA schools.
    u mean

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    Quote Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
    u mean

    wondered why i couldnt find it and nothing came up

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    You will need standup training and you must think about what it is you want to do:

    Do you like to strike or wrestle? Both?

    Are you willing not only to recieve but give punches? (Most people are not willing to recieve)

    Cardio is your #1 friend and with that you will win most of your fights as most people att he amateur level neglect that aspect.

    If i were you i would start:

    Muay Thai training (striking and clinch work)
    Wrestling (to defend takedowns and to apply them if need be)
    BJJ for submissions and defense on the mat.

    You train these solid for 8 months and you should be more than ready to start out at an amateur level if not more, depends on your natural gifts (speed, good chin etc.).

    And remember when you are training that your opponent is also training, are you training as hard or harder?
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 10-04-2004 at 07:07 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    You will need standup training and you must think about what it is you want to do:

    Do you like to strike or wrestle? Both?

    Are you willing not only to recieve but give punches? (Most people are not willing to recieve)

    Cardio is your #1 friend and with that you will win most of your fights as most people att he amateur level neglect that aspect.

    If i were you i would start:

    Muay Thai training (striking and clinch work)
    Wrestling (to defend takedowns and to apply them if need be)
    BJJ for submissions and defense on the mat.

    You train these solid for 8 months and you should be more than ready to start out at an amateur level if not more, depends on your natural gifts (speed, good chin etc.).

    And remember when you are training that your opponent is also training, are you training as hard or harder?
    thanks for the advice bro.
    when it comes to fights ( ive only been in a couple) its basically been a double leg take down and then wail away on their face cause im sitting on their chest. i honesetly dont know how to stay up and fight. im not afraid to take punches. ive been sucker punhced a few times.
    i konw cardio is key, but **** it i hate ****ing cardio. i know its a necessary evil, but i despise cardio more than anything! im currently looking inot some bjj schools in my area to see whats available.

    can u guys tell me what the average prices is for monthy membership to a gym like that?

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