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Thread: New Boxer needs some help with training and diet!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    New Boxer needs some help with training and diet!

    Whats up guys,

    I just needed some pointers. This is my first time posting, but i've been looking at the forum for alittle bit. I need some advice with diet really. Im trying to lose some bf. Im 6'1,230 lbs, 17%bf. I've been to the diet section and tried to find something, but everything is all low carbs. Low carbs work, but with my schedule it really doesn't fit (I'm a full time construction worker, part-time firefighter, I lift weights 3x a week, and box 3 times a week). All i really need to know is how many grams a day do i need of Carbs/protein/fats. I was thinking about 300+ grams of protein, but im not too sure about the amount of carbs and fats. Im looking to lose some bf and come down to a realistic 11-12%bf for now. I also don't want to burn too much muscle if at all... Ok sorry for the book, but please give me a hand.. If ya need anything else from me (background, workout, etc.), please let me know... also the sooner the better.. i wanna start my clean diet on tuesday after thanksgiving!

    Thanks again!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    is there anybody who wants to help me out???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    0.5 x desired bodyweight - carbs per day. if thats too stressful,..try 0.75 or 1.0x desired bodyweight. you dont have to worry qbout the fat as much

  4. #4
    Carbs should be 50-70% of your nutritional intake. If your training is intense and it should be, you will need to fuel the body with an adequate supply of carbs. Make sure that most of them are complex carbs as they will give you sustained energy and blood sugar levels for your workouts not just a temporary spike. When your blood sugar levels drop you will become fatiqued.

    Protien should comprise 20-30% of your diet and be around .7-1g per lb of body weight.

    Fats should comprise about 10%, good fats!

    40-50g of fiber a day will also help.

    As a boxer you are eating and training for a different reason then bodybuilders and your diet and training must show that. If you consume high levels of protien and a low carb/simple carb diet , you will have a hard time finding the energy to make it through training.
    If you are training hard you should have no problem burning off the carbs so you shouldn't worry about excess weight gain.

    Just eat around your training, if you are going to train in a few hours eat a nice meal with complex carbs, good amounts of protien and some good fats to fuel you through your workout. Don't eat a meal like that late at night and then go right to bed as you don't need the carbs for energy while you are sleeping and that willcause unwanted weight gain.
    You should eat and plan your meals based on your daily activities.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Thanks for the info man so maybe around 2 grams of carbs per pound, and .2-.5 g's of fats... I'll use your info man.. thanks very much!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    There's a right up on the information you need on I think I may have posted it here for someone recently. I'll look when I have time tomorrow, sorry but its almost 03:30 and I'm just in from work.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DynamX
    Thanks for the info man so maybe around 2 grams of carbs per pound, and .2-.5 g's of fats... I'll use your info man.. thanks very much!
    No problem bro, good luck with your training. I follow those same guidelines and have no problem making weight. I fight 165 and take in anywhere from 350-450g carbs, 190-210g protien, around 35g fats, and total from 2,800 to 3,000 cals everyday depending on my training.

    A great resource for boxing info is @ , it also has a free meesage board with other boxers and I highly recommend his book " The Boxers Guide to Performance Enhancment". It covers everything you'll need to know on training,running,nutrition,and strenght training for boxers. Ross is a Boxer, Trainer and has his masters in fitness and nutrition.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    you wouldnt happen to have the last name of gonzalez would you?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SickNasty
    you wouldnt happen to have the last name of gonzalez would you?
    Shoot me an [email protected]

  10. #10
    I would just like to add, make sure you get some carbs right after your boxing workout, just simple ones like in sugar juice, thats when u need them the most to refuel the muscles for your next workout. Also I have been taking creatine and boxing and found it is a good mix.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    cardio! cardio! cardio!

    what gear do you plan on using and when is your upcoming fight?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    [QUOTE=GQ-Bouncer]cardio! cardio! cardio! QUOTE]

    and I would drop the weights down to 1-2days per week and dont do anything under 20reps you want to be lean not bulky ,lean =fast bulky = slow

    just look at the all time greats ALI ,JONES,OSCAR,HAGLER,HERNS,LENOARD,(EVANDER is the exception)Big muscles get tired easyer and are slower in the long run

    marathon runner V.S. sprinter

    I heard the best way to get in cardio shape is run up a hill for 2 min then walk for 2minutes the run for 2minutes ,I heard it form some great mui ty trainer someone on this board posted it

    good luck

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