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Thread: Trinidad, back and better than before!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there

    Trinidad, back and better than before!!!!

    I have to say,..Trinidad looked excellent against Mayorgra. I a Mayorgra fan,..he's wild and just doesnt give a F@ck,..hell,.he even spokes a cigiratte after each fight before he leaves the ring. Im also a huge Trinidad fan,..its great to see him back in the ring after his 2 1/2 year layoff.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Yeah but I don't know if he looked that great. I think Mayorga was holding his own.

  3. #3
    Trinidad looked pretty good. I had no doubt that he would give Mayorga a boxing lesson, Mayorga isn't a boxer, he's a brawler. Trinidad isn't like Vernon Forest, he doesn't get overwhelmed when he is being attacked. Not to mention the weight that Mayorga had to put on to make that fight happen, that can be very hard on the body and stamina, and he was barely making weight at 154lb. So he was definatly not in his best shape at 160.
    The thing most people don't know is that Trinidad was training alot when he was in his layoff. He trained alot (a real lot) of rounds sparring, so it wasn't a complete layoff of boxing, just more a of a break from the spot light. That is why he still looked pretty sharp.
    I think it will be a different story if he fights a ranked 160lb opponent like Sturm or Hopkins. I personaly think Sturm would give him alot of trouble!
    Last edited by THA GONZ; 10-15-2004 at 04:32 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    who ever Mayorga fights, he's gonna hold his own because like Gonz said,.he's a brawler. Like all brawlers though, you can only fight like that for so many rounds before you tire yourself out. If the other guy can withstand the abuse for those rounds, he's got a good chance on beating mayorga.
    For Trinadad. If he did stayed active during his layoff, thats very wise. You dont wanna return with too much ring rust. Most boxers do stay active after retirement. Its like weightlifters. We may not go as heavy in the gym, or get to the gym as much,..but we stay active just enough to feel okay about ourselves. same for boxers

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