Well i am on my way home for lunch when this dick comes flying up behind me doing 55-60mph in a 35-40mph zone. He rides my ass and quickly swerves over and as he passes i give him the two words that came to my mind "**** YOU"!
This upset him as he slowed down and yelled at me (oh no) and then went ahead and pulled over and as i passed by he threw his hashbrown w/ketchup at my car striking my passenger side window and yelled whatever? who knows? He obviously wanted me to stop so he could beat me up, but being so calm and collected i did not oblige as i would never want to get beaten up outside of the academy.![]()
Anyways, he eventually gets next to me again showing his wonderful knowledge of the english language, i just smiled and asked him if he would like a beating (in portugues)lol but he finally gave up on whoopin my ass and turned off.
As far as calling the cops? I have law enforcement knowledge and all that can be done in that situation is a report and maybe a warning to the dickhead. So not wasting my time with it. I washed his breakfast off my window and just had to laugh, of course it upset me and me hurting him would only result in an assault charge so no thanks.
I must say, if he had hitten me with something i am afraid i would have engadged him in a short scuffle, him getting KTFO!
As it was, i thought i was quite calm, even checked my HR...a calm and collected cat i have become.
Must be the BJJ, Muay Thai, Wrestling i have been doing for 5 years. LOL
Little did the guy know it would not have been a good move to try and fight me, it would have been a bad for him i fear.
Maybe he was just mad because he wasted his breakfast?![]()