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Thread: Kimbo Slice is a phoney!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Kimbo Slice is a phoney!

    Kimbo is a wannabe. Did you see him land any punches in the first video? The whole eye out of the eye socket...fake! C' don't think people would be flipping out and calling 9-1-1 or getting him to a hospital ASAP.

    Did you see any punches land in the second video!? Not one again. Hmmm...any fight I've seen I seen punches land.

    I think Kimbo Slice is an internet sham. Nothing but marketing. He sucks. Let him go the likes of Tank, Cabbage, or Chuck Liddell. He would get killed...and he knows it. So he fights other losers in backyards and rec center basements.

    He's a loser guys. Stop the hype.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Where can i see the Sean Gannon video for free?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    why dont you take him on, if hes such a sham...maybe youll put him in his place

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Where can i see the Sean Gannon video for free?

    First fight:

    Second fight (vs Gannon):

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob33
    why dont you take him on, if hes such a sham...maybe youll put him in his place
    I'm not claiming to be a brawler. I'm not all over the internet promoting myself.

    Maybe you and I should square up and I'll put you in your place.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Yeah he MIGHT be tough, but against a gracie or shamrock or belford....he's gonna' get killed, any trained fighter would kill him.Fvck I fought K.O.T.S(amatuer sub-mission) for 3 years and for a couple of G's I would fight him, he looks sloppy and has horrible ring presence. And remember the porn mogul....I'm sure he could fix a couple of fights very easily.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    I'm not claiming to be a brawler. I'm not all over the internet promoting myself.

    Maybe you and I should square up and I'll put you in your place.
    He IS promoting himself but hey, atleast hes putting his money where his mouth is...i dont see whats wrong with that...maybe if he was all talk and sh*t. All he does is fight for a living, i would love to see someone say that to his face that hes a sham

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob33
    He IS promoting himself but hey, atleast hes putting his money where his mouth is...i dont see whats wrong with that...maybe if he was all talk and sh*t. All he does is fight for a living, i would love to see someone say that to his face that hes a sham
    Could he kick my ass...yes. But that's not the point. I'm not a fighter.

    They are many people in this world who would say that to his face...and then kick his ass! Like the 3 I mentioned earlier!! Still doesn't make him tough to beat up 2 no names. The guy in the backyard couldn't swing...and the Boston cop was slow. Let's see him go a real fighter.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    Kimbo's definetly got skills, both those guys are tough mofos

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    i was one of the lucky few who got to be present at the event, so i had a better view than most.

    BDTR, too bad you were out of circulation at the time, if you check your PMs you'll find an invite to the kimbo/gannon fight, b4 anyone else had even heard of it.
    Who's that guy with the dreads and overcoat!?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    sonoma county
    i agree. i never understood why ppl were all over kimbos nuts. yeah he probably could kick my ass but hes nothing special

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    Kimbo's definetly got skills
    Compared to who!? Me? Yes. Tank? No. Cabbage? No. Liddell? No. Belfor? No. A backyard fighter? Maybe.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BigRandy
    i agree. i never understood why ppl were all over kimbos nuts. yeah he probably could kick my ass but hes nothing special

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    YEs, but he isn a pro himself, hes an underground fighter...he never claimed to br a pro... im sure if he would train and learn all the da*mn moves he could be a pretty good fighter and destroy alot fo people. The mofo is tough

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    d*mnit my spelling sucks lol

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob33
    YEs, but he isn a pro himself, hes an underground fighter...he never claimed to br a pro... im sure if he would train and learn all the da*mn moves he could be a pretty good fighter and destroy alot fo people. The mofo is tough
    Once again...tough against who!? It is subjective. Who are these guys he's fighting!? I could walk onto a highschool and kick 15 guys asses...does that make me tough too? To them others no.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I will admit KS has the moves of a seasoned boxer...impressive. The argument is still subjective though.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I swear, there are just certain ppl on this board who jump on someone's d*ck and ride it like a free carnival ride......grow up and realize that he will never even compare to the fighters listed above or anyone at that level.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    By the looks of the first video...when he lets the guy give him 2 free shots to the face and it dosent even phase him...tough enough

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob33
    By the looks of the first video...when he lets the guy give him 2 free shots to the face and it dosent even phase him...tough enough
    The punches hit him in the chest and trap!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. #21
    People train and learn how to fight for a REASON. I would hope that any well trained fighter could kick the sh*t out of some tough street fighter. If they couldn't they are waisting their time and money!!
    Obviously some one who traines MMA will kill even a skilled boxer in a NHB or UFC match.
    The fact that guys like,liddell,belfor,ect. might kick the **** out of him doesn't mean he's not tough. they are obviously more skilled then him. If they couldn't it would be pretty sad that all those years of training were for nothing.
    Like it or not he's a tough dude, he's far from invincible, but could probably take out just about any untrained street fighter out there.

    Just my .02, I never even heard of kimbo before he fought Gannon, but they are both very tough guys!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    obviously a good submission MMA fighter will beat a good striker. thats why kimbo doesn't fight MMA. he is a very good stand up striker, and would only take a fight with an MMA fighter if groundwork and kicks were banned. however, he didn't realize that no ground work didn't mean gannon couldn't do standing submissions (the guillotine) and no kicks didn't mean no knees
    I still think there are others would beat him in that format. The three named earlier for instance.

  23. #23
    do you think liddell, belfor,shamrock or any of the UFC's elite would be as tough or feared if they were untrained, I doubt it!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by THA GONZ
    Like it or not he's a tough dude, he's far from invincible, but could probably take out just about any untrained street fighter out there.
    Agreed. However I wouldn't say take out...versus take on.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    Agreed. However I wouldn't say take out...versus take on.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Found this.

    Kimbo Slice: Miami Street Fighting Legend

    Kimbo, cousin of boxer Emmanuel Augustus, is a badass Miami enforcer who fights for purses of 3-5 gs on a regular basis. He'll put up his money up against yours to find out who is superior. He doesn't care if it's at your place of work or in your own backyard. If you're willing to put up the dough, he'll fight you for it. In the clip below he attempts to earn more green by going heads up against another stocky brawler named Byrd.

    For those of you who don't know the full story behind that video, here goes.

    Kimbo Slice (amazingly that's his last name) is an ex-con who did ten years of hard time but was finally released about 10 months ago. He fights in underground boxing matches from time to time winning purses that range from 3-10 thousand gs. This year alone, he's 9-1. His lone loss was suffered when his opponent used mace. Kimbo acknowledges the loss because he says, "I shoulda kicked his ass much faster and knocked the bitch out cold. And before the fight we said no weapons, but didn't say no mace."

    Backed by the owner of a popular Miami based porn website, Kimbo earned his first 10 thousand dollar purse when he knocked out that same opponent in a rematch. The bout took but a mere 10 seconds. Not taking any chances, Kimbo pounced on his opponent 5 times after he was out cold.

    Kimbo is well aware that underground fighting is illegal but he cannot help it. He can't earn a decent living through legit means because of his prison track record. If you were a big bad ass in his situation and someone came up to you and said, "I know someone who will fight you for 10 grand heads up", you might consider it also.

    Kimbo is now considering turning pro through the advice of his cousin, Emmanuel Augustus, and local boxing trainers in Miami. Once he turns pro, he will leave his underground fighting days behind. As he contemplates the countless possibilities, Kimbo will continue to fight in underground battles to provide for himself and his disabled mother. As Kimbo so eloquently put it, "That's how a nigga eat."

    If you know any non-pro who is willing to wager 5-10 gs to go up against Kimbo in a boxing rules street fight, email his manager at

  27. #27
    I think kimbo vs tyson in a bare fist fight would be pretty good

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    you're probably right about that, those are some excellent strikers. i couldn't figure out the kimbo fascination myself, he's a really tough guy, but there are tougher guys not getting the same recognition.
    EXACTLY!!!! Who cares about this hometown hero.

  29. #29
    I train at A.M.A.C in Belmont and @ South Shore P.A.L in Quincy on Fridays. I only Box, no MMA.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    What is the truth?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Interview with Kimbo Slice: Miami Street Fighting Legend

    By A.I.

    1. Kimbo are you a boxing fan? If so, who are your favorite fighters now and of all-time?

    Yes, I’m a boxing fan. I watch it from time to time. My all-time favorites are Joe Frazier and Mike Tyson.

    2. You are a big guy, exactly how tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    I’m roughly 6’3, 240 pounds.

    3. Have you ever lost a fight underground? What is your record if you know?

    I’ve lost my share in the pen. I don’t keep track but I’ve won much more than I’ve lost. Since I was released almost one year ago, I’ve gone 9-1. My only loss was to a punk that brought mace to the dance. I was kicking his ass and he used the mace as I went in for the kill. I accept the loss. I’m a man. Before the fight we said no weapons but we didn’t say no mace. He regretted doing that. I knocked him out within ten seconds in our rematch and pounded on him five more times for insurance. He lost all his front teeth but we’re good friends now. It’s about respect.

    4. What tools do you posess and what tools are you working on that you think will make you a professional threat?

    I’ve got a powerful left hook and a lot of intensity. The intensity comes from the anger within. The establishment took ten years of my life and now I’m gonna take it back.

    5. Are you in training right now to polish your boxing skills and if so how is that going?

    I recently started training at a local gym here in Miami. I’m working on my conditioning and defense. I feel I done created a great offense from my days in the pen. That was Education 101.

    6. Can you make noise in the heavyweight division? How long will it take?

    That’s what my trainers think. They say the division is open and I might as well take a crack at it. We’ll see what happens. I’ll probably only need about ten pro fights before I’m ready to knock all them fools out.

    7. Can you tell us about your time spent incarcerated and if that would pose a problem getting you licensed in any state professionally?

    I was incarcerated for some bulls*** I didn’t do. Let’s leave it at that. I hope my past don’t come back to haunt me. This nigga gotta keep eatin.

    8. Alot of people who will watch the tape of one of your fights will say you are an ultimate fighter not a boxer and that your a freak show not worth our time, what would you like to say to them?

    I am a freak and that’s why people should pay to see me. I don’t box and do that pansy boy s***. I like to run this like Iron Mike.

    9. Are there any plans for you to fight professionaly against a specific opponent any time soon?

    We’re working on getting me licensed here in Miami. I might turn pro within a few months.

    10. Do you want to be a champion or a freak puncher just to make some money? How commited are you to becoming a complete boxer?

    I’m 32 years old dawg. I gots to make the dough to support myself and my disabled moms. God bless her soul. I live to bleed for that woman. I want to go as far as my power will take me.

    11. How long will it take you after turning pro to become a good slugger-boxer and become a championship level fighter?

    I have a lot of respect for the game. I know many of these fighters have been putting in their work for years. But they ain’t never been in the pen as long as I have. I have skills you can’t learn on the outside. I feel I’ll be ready for anyone within ten fights.

    12. What would you like to say to our readers and hopefully your future fans?

    I’d like to thank everyone who has sent me emails. If you liked what you saw in that short clip, come out and support me when I turn pro. I’m ready to run this. I’m out.

    Id like to thank Marcos Rivera for setting up this interview

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Howard Cosell!!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Yeah, i just fnin got your invite to the fight. That would have been amazing to see. I appreciate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    i was one of the lucky few who got to be present at the event, so i had a better view than most.

    BDTR, too bad you were out of circulation at the time, if you check your PMs you'll find an invite to the kimbo/gannon fight, b4 anyone else had even heard of it.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    That's flippin' BS.

    The dread in the trenchcoat interfere's when his homeboy is losing and then pushes everyone back when he gets a few punches in. That just makes me upset.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by THA GONZ
    do you think liddell, belfor,shamrock or any of the UFC's elite would be as tough or feared if they were untrained, I doubt it!
    Tank is a street brawler and he'd beat the crap out of Kimbo .

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by THA GONZ
    I think kimbo vs tyson in a bare fist fight would be pretty good
    Tyson would eat his ears , knock him out , molest him then eat kimbo and his children ( presuming he has some ) in the name of Allah because tyson is , as he puts it " da greatest fighter god ever put on dis urf "

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    detailed analysis of fight.

    (only groundfighting and kicks are banned),


    Well If groundfighting and kicks are banned than its not Fighting it's boxing? With stupid rules like this it mean nothing. Kimo looks slower than hell, I bet their are several people on this board that could beat his ass if everthing went.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Motor City
    Kimbo would get killed by MMA guys @ his weight. Hell he gasses in the Gannon fight and his home boyz jumped in when he got caught in the guillotine.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by groverman1
    Kimbo would get killed by MMA guys @ his weight.
    Absolutely he would. He would get tuned!! However to Kimbo's defense he's not trained in MMA. It's not comparing apples to apples.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    Could he kick my ass...yes. But that's not the point. I'm not a fighter.

    They are many people in this world who would say that to his face...and then kick his ass! Like the 3 I mentioned earlier!! Still doesn't make him tough to beat up 2 no names. The guy in the backyard couldn't swing...and the Boston cop was slow. Let's see him go a real fighter.
    there some1 stronger than every1 so the guy that beats kimbo would get beatenby some other guy and so on but i agree with ya just another story to make kids eat their veggies

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