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Thread: This Tae bo workout is really doing something to me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger

    Thumbs up This Tae bo workout is really doing something to me

    Ho Man talk about high intensity, i got the 4 tapes that started it all, and am doing then 6 times a week twice a day.

    Alternating the tapes from basic to 8 minutes workout to the advance ( i dont do the floor work).

    My back feels great with all the moving, i lost around 1 inches on my legs and my girlfriend told me i lost some gut size.

    I cant beleive all the knee raise, side kicks, wheel kicks, punch, uppercut, jab and more.

    Many people have great success doing intense cardio for 45 minutes a day, now lets see if i will be able to do the same thing.

    If everything goes well i wanna get into Muay Thai in January.

    At 33 i will be able to get my bodyweight under 170 pounds, i look at George St-Pierre and at 5 feet 11 he is 169 pounds and he looks amazing.

    Got my bloodtest back and everything is fine Yippieeee

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Ho one other thing Tae Bo is very good but you cant use this to defend yourself, there are no blocks or counters.

    But it will make you sweat and give you one great cardio workout.

  3. #3
    My Tae Kwon Do Workouts are excellent for increasing flexibility and muscular endurance. When I finish, it looks like I just jumped in a lake. My girlfriend is too intimidated to take classes so I had her borrow her sister's Tae Bo tapes. I actually tried to talk her into using the tapes tonight. She went with her Gazelle (Tony Little) .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Your girlfriend should not be intimidated to try anything, she should shake off this fear cause she might regret many things in life that she just passed by.

    Yeah i will not take away TKD great workouts for sure. THey should get more punching in the classes but then again it would not be TKD.

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