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Thread: Help?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    What would be more useful for me to know as far as fighting, (having never trained and planning on doing some extensive traveling through some rather shady areas), I'd like to know what would be better to know, Jiu-Jitsu or Muy Thai? I mean as far as taking care of punks with knives or guys just trying to mess with you?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Sounds like a job for a hand gun to me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by darmadoc
    Sounds like a job for a hand gun to me.

    Yup, he could try one of these!.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    sonoma county
    just curious why would u limit yourself to just jiujitsu or muay thai? i assume you mean streetfighting so boxing/muay thai would help you learn how to strike. as far as knives go, i dont know what would help you . its not like in the jean claude vandamme movies where he beats the shit out of 5 guys w/ weapons.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Yeah Jean Claude Van damme for faggot school. I wonder if he is ever gonna fight in K1 like he said last year.

    No serious there are a lot of MMA schools, and now a lot of art teach you everything from striking, to chock, joint manipulation, and more.

    Usually MMA school have boxing, jiu jitsu and muay thai combined togheter.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    When shit hits the fan I champion the hostage method. More than one attacker get one of them really good, then threaten to kill him if the others don't back off

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by darmadoc
    Sounds like a job for a hand gun to me.

    rome wasn't built in a day, niethier are skills - here are some tips

    1. don't look like a victim

    2. realize your enviroment & situation at all times (people, ambush spots such as alleyways, washrooms etc.)

    3. define your capabilities (ex. if you have bear-mace, taking on 3 people is acceptable)

    4. Be the gray man (dont flash money, act as the culture does)

    5. Stay in public places, preferably where police are local (ex. tourist locations)

    if you are going to train prior to leaving I advise against jujitsu as it's style prefers wrestling, typically unless you have control over the situation (eg, your buddies are there and it's a guarnteed win) you should not be on the ground - just learn a)heavy overhand right b) the carotid choke and c) the clinch

    peace! have fun!
    Last edited by GQ-Bouncer; 10-13-2005 at 07:23 AM.

  8. #8
    since it seems like you dont have much time, you're kinda limited. a striking art is easier to get a grasp and be able to use faster than a submissive art. so id go with muai tai. powerful and effective. going against knives?? carry a bigger stick.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New Jersey
    didn't know you were into martial arts max.. But if you're looking for a self defense in the street deal, jiu jitsu would probably be the worst idea. In the street why wouldn't you keep it on your feet? But seriously, if you're only looking for self defense, a gun might be a lot easier. Martial arts take a long time to learn and use effectivly in an actual fight. You can master a gun in a couple weeks. Why spend 100x more for lessons and take 100x longer to learn when you could get a gun and accomplish the same goal in an afternoon? You got a problem with guys trying to "mess with you"?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    This is a job for SuperMan, well buy a bazooka so you can blow a whole block away LOL.

    Nah just go with some Muay Thai that should be fine.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Here there and everywhere
    you ever tried cage fighting ? Basicaly its two grown men in a ring with a cage and you kick the shit out of each other. Only rule is no kicking in the nuts. I'd say that was the best way to learn to fight. Question is have you got the balls to get in the ring with a dude who is probably gonna flatten you

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    you ever tried cage fighting ? Basicaly its two grown men in a ring with a cage and you kick the shit out of each other. Only rule is no kicking in the nuts. I'd say that was the best way to learn to fight. Question is have you got the balls to get in the ring with a dude who is probably gonna flatten you
    haha, i've heard someone suggest that before actually, but the fact is that is simply not true. While sure, if you get into a ring with someone, you will fight them. And the more you do something, chances are the better you will get better at it. But problem with stepping into the ring untrained is that it you knowledge of fighting is instinctual, rather than intellectual. While some may be naturally better at fighting than others, most have flaws in their natural style, and just simply fighting with out knowledge will cultivate those flaws into bad habbits. So i believe that it is crucial that people get an understanding of the system they are planning on using before they actually try to apply it to a situation.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Dude, I'm not a ***** who just is asking for it, but sometimes when you are traveling abroad maybe people want to rob you or something. I mean I would want to practice a fighting style for fun, and for practical use. And it is not like I'm stupid about what I'm doing either, or that I'm afraid. I'm just saying that I would like the have that extra reassurance. I know how to handle myself and stay out of trouble, but I want a fun activity to do that would help me. Also I probably have about a year before I'm going to do some extensive traveling.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by BeerBaron
    haha, i've heard someone suggest that before actually, but the fact is that is simply not true. While sure, if you get into a ring with someone, you will fight them. And the more you do something, chances are the better you will get better at it. But problem with stepping into the ring untrained is that it you knowledge of fighting is instinctual, rather than intellectual. While some may be naturally better at fighting than others, most have flaws in their natural style, and just simply fighting with out knowledge will cultivate those flaws into bad habbits. So i believe that it is crucial that people get an understanding of the system they are planning on using before they actually try to apply it to a situation.
    well written

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by scm007
    Dude, I'm not a ***** who just is asking for it, but sometimes when you are traveling abroad maybe people want to rob you or something. I mean I would want to practice a fighting style for fun, and for practical use. And it is not like I'm stupid about what I'm doing either, or that I'm afraid. I'm just saying that I would like the have that extra reassurance. I know how to handle myself and stay out of trouble, but I want a fun activity to do that would help me. Also I probably have about a year before I'm going to do some extensive traveling.
    Check out a Muay Thai school than brotha

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    OK, how much about would that cost?

  17. #17
    gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(or run)

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