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Thread: Look at that picture of Ricco Rodrigez OUCH

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger

    Cool Look at that picture of Ricco Rodrigez OUCH

    Ricco has gotten FAT FAT FAT no wonder we dont see him in major shows anymore.

    He was always a little bit chubby but this is god damn awful.
    Last edited by sonar1234; 05-10-2006 at 07:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    This is a picture of him winning is fight in the last WEC event that happened last week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    jesus, i guess conditioning has gone out the window! you see the guy he fought? jimmy ambriz is his name and i think he won KOTC hvywght once, not sure though. but ambriz is a friggin tank!i got a bunch of KOTC DVDs and Ambriz is on some of them and the dude was huge.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Yes i got pertty much all the KOTC dvds they are so cheap at sherdog you can get some great deals.

    Ambriz is a tank and yes he did win the KOTC heavyweight, he even fought Bobish and KOTF him out.

    I dont understand what went wrong when he fought Ricco, i would have bet all my money on Ambriz to win that fight.

    Since i did not see the fight i guess that he gased out or something, even Ambriz look a bit chubby in that fight, well you cant always be juiced up can you LOL.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Yes i got pertty much all the KOTC dvds they are so cheap at sherdog you can get some great deals.

    Ambriz is a tank and yes he did win the KOTC heavyweight, he even fought Bobish and KOTF him out.

    I dont understand what went wrong when he fought Ricco, i would have bet all my money on Ambriz to win that fight.

    Since i did not see the fight i guess that he gased out or something, even Ambriz look a bit chubby in that fight, well you cant always be juiced up can you LOL.
    yeah i didnt see that fight either but i saw the weigh-in video at sherdog and he definitely looked a little more out of shape than a couple of years ago at KOTC.i guess he couldnt muscle around ricco r.most likley due to riccos weight gain

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    sonoma county
    he looks disgusting there

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Must have been x-mas where he lives

    To many pies if you ask me

  8. #8
    looks like your avatar dude!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Nah my avatar is a cute egyptien shaved cat that is pissed off mad LOL

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    He's back to being fat rico again...That's how he looked before he starting winning the big UFC fights, in the old days...He needs to get his ass back in gear...He's close to 300lbs, got about 50lbs of straight shit to shed...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    North dakota
    So much talent wasted. He reminds me alot of Buster Douglas struggling with weight. His weight has yo-yo'ed so bad it really takes a toll on the body. Also even in prides heavyweight division with no weight limit he would still be awful becouse of the endurance, quickness etc factors. I mean it just sad

  12. #12
    The 'back slam' he did in this years ADCC made that weight pay off

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